•  voxel   ( @vox@sopuli.xyz ) 
    1 month ago

    don’t get the negativity towards copilot in other comments.
    it’s a really smart autocomplete, and this is exactly what i wanted for the past 5 years.
    (yeah it’s not going to replace programmers or whatever people’s exaggerated opinions of it are)

    wanna quickly create a wgpu bind group?
    let texture_bind_group = and it’s smart enough to understand the context and pull in texture and texture sampler that are already defined as local variables.

    too lazy to type this obvious thing in?
    (like of course the next opcode islet op = self.fetch();) just press tab and move on with your life.

    wanna quickly refactor something?
    select, ask CP Chat to “replace all if statements with match”, check if it’s correct and click confirm (it will even show git-style diffs, so it’s hard for something unexpected to slip in)

    it’s not perfect, and it’s suggestions do not match your intention like 50% of the time but when they do match or your intention is REALLY obvious (like you already wrote a clear and concise variable name and need to complete the value), you’re a single keypress away from completing those 2 lines of code

    It’s not a total deal breaker but it’s definitely very useful. (especially for me, because of my very short attention span. unless i can quickly complete a thing I’m currently working on in less than a minute i will forget about the next 10 things I was thinking of doing)

    also i don’t believe the price is justified, but it’s free for students so of course I’m gonna use it.

    (you just need to verify your student email and upload a photo of your student id on education.github.com, and you get a free gh copilot subscription, gh pro account, priority support and promos on loads of services like heroku etc while you’re a student)

      •  EatATaco   ( @EatATaco@lemm.ee ) 
        81 month ago

        I was lucky enough to get in on my company’s beta test for copilot.

        When I hear people say it’s bad, all that tells me is that they are either completely ignorant and have never really used it, or they aren’t good at learning how to use new tools.

        • The example shown is setting a timer, then copilot suggests timeright value.

          Contextually, it is bad autocomplete.

          In practice, chatgpt4 is incapable of producing code to my coding standards. Edit: to clarify, its incapable of doing that in a timely enough manner that it saves me any time.

          • The example shown was specifically selected because it’s funny, not because it’s representative.

            The fact that you called the tool “chatgpt4” suggests you’re not experienced with copilot. They’re not the same thing even if they’re using similar LLMs as a component.

    • Glorified autocomplete

      That’s what I need most of the time, though. I don’t see these AI things as replacing programmers or writing large chunks of code. I just see them as an improvement over the autocompletion/IntelliSense features we’re all using already.