•  viking   ( @viking@infosec.pub ) 
    721 month ago

    German here, there are a bunch of “buts” worth mentioning, before everyone mistakes our country for a socialist utopia:

    For starters, the notice period for employee and employer are identical, mutually agreed upon, and can be 1-6 months. If the OP was fired with 3 months notice, that simply means he would have to give equal notice when resigning. Usually it’s however expected to work all through the notice period and not just relax at home.

    Secondly, a compensation is voluntarily, unless being fired due to socio-economic circumstances (as opposed to bad performance). In such a case, 1 month compensation per 1 year worked is often recommended by labor courts (maxing out at 6 months). Again, those are not mandatory unless it goes to an arbitration tribunal or court.

    Thirdly, being allowed to take classes or other further education measures typically only exists for elderly layoffs with limited chances of finding qualified employment, or people with very limited skillset. Again the only exception is when being terminated due to socio-economic reasons, where the company agrees to pay development measures as part or in lieu of a settlement.

    Unemployment benefits apply once the employee has paid social security contributions for minimum 12 months without interruption. In the first year they are due to receive 70% of their former salary after tax (there’s a cap though, I believe it was 2800 EUR/month).

    If they still didn’t secure a new job, they are entitled to receive 484 EUR plus housing (based on actual cost; again capped and with a size restriction, I believe it was max. 20m² per person in the household). To qualify for this second stage of benefits however, the person must not have any assets exceeding 10k EUR, else they’d have to use those up first).

    Medical insurance however is available all through without any caveats.

    • Still a socialist utopia in comparison. 😀


      In such a case, 1 month compensation per 1 year worked is often recommended by labor courts (maxing out at 6 months). Again, those are not mandatory unless it goes to an arbitration tribunal or court.

      I work for a pretty good company, of a decent size. I have things better than many folks in the US do with regard to my employer. I’ve been with them for almost 30 years. If they fire me tomorrow, I might get one extra paycheck from my employer, if I ask very nicely. There is no likely path through our legal system that will net me more than that, assuming they haven’t fired me in a way that violates my civil rights.

    • About your first point: That’s true, but depending on your position you might still be able to just chill at home because they won’t let anyone with access to their servers, mailing or backups work as if nothing happened.

      About unemployment benefits: Gladly the last time I was unemployed was in 2022 so it might’ve changed by now, but isn’t it 60% of your former salary and 63% if you have kids?

      •  viking   ( @viking@infosec.pub ) 
        31 month ago

        About unemployment benefits: Gladly the last time I was unemployed was in 2022 so it might’ve changed by now, but isn’t it 60% of your former salary and 63% if you have kids?

        My figures are from back in the early 2000’s, so you might be better informed there. I’ve luckily never been unemployed and learned those in HR Management class back in university.

  •  Dem Bosain   ( @DemBoSain@midwest.social ) 
    1 month ago

    The place I work has had an amazing 5~10 years. Constantly surpassing prior revenue “far and beyond what we expected”. And yet, annual raises are capped at 3%. No matter how well the company is doing, nobody gets a raise higher than 3%. 7% inflation? Fuck you, here’s 3%. Management wildly speculates about the coming year, and misses targets? Fuck you, here’s 1.5%. Sure, the company grew wildly last year, but not as wildly as they predicted, and they just can’t afford raises this year.

    Coupled with all this growth meant a hiring spree. As the company grew, it seemed like there were always new faces walking around.

    Then, the rug pull. Their #1 customer (about 50% of the business) announced they wouldn’t buy anything in 2024. Management found out in September. Before announcing anything, management forces everyone to sign a non-compete agreement. Nobody is allowed to go to work for a competitor, supplier, partner, customer, or start a new business in the same sector for 2 years after leaving the company. The agreement is filled with scary clauses such as forcing the ex-employee to pay all of the company’s legal fees in the event of a disagreement.

    Once everyone signs (a few people left instead of signing), they announce the loss, and say that a lot of people will lose their job in 6 weeks. December 23rd. Christmas. This is painted as the CEO being generous in letting everyone know ahead of time, so they can make arrangements. Actually, it’s their legal obligation (look up the WARN act).

    Remember that surge in hiring? Some of those people had only been with the company a few months. Some of them came from our competitors. Suddenly, they’re out of a job, plus they just signed an agreement that’s going to probably force them to move to get another one.

    Yes, I know, non-competes are generally unenforceable, but that’s not the purpose. Because they’re not enforceable, they’re written to scare employees into not testing the company’s resolve if they ever leave or are fired. Someone suddenly out of work usually won’t take on that risk.

    So yes, I’m a little radical now. I don’t hide it, I’m the “office socialist”. And I found out I’m not alone.

  • My first job was working in a property management company. At one point i was tasked to check all flats of a new property that got assigned to us, after the client bought it. I had to go through 30 flats in a day, to assess if there is legal possibilities for increasing the rent of people within the legal limits, based on the condition of the flat.

    Going through the personal space of so many people in a single day, having to deflect about what the purpose of this is, being met with worry and hostility… There being the guy who took the day off, so he could assist his old mother, because she would have been overwhelmed if by herself. The guys who had a strongly water damaged flat in the ground floor, but me already knowing that our client will avoid any investment. The old couple where the guy kept yelling at me and his wife trying to calm him down…

    This was just wrong. And now like a decade later i still remember some of the people and their flats, even though i couldn’t remember a single name.

    Peoples homes shouldn’t be subjected to a profit maximizing market.

  •  perestroika   ( @perestroika@slrpnk.net ) 
    1 month ago

    Being informed that “from now on, we’ll use Microsoft development tools” because our branch in $other_country decided to.

    Soon after that, I informed the boss that I’d wrap my projects up (using development tools of my choosing) during the subsequent year, and then leave, and support the projects in future as a subcontractor.

    So I went and started my one-person-company. It was hard, but so far it has worked.