•  Rimu   ( @rimu@piefed.social ) 
    194 months ago

    A 3C temperature increase will cause “precipitous declines in output, capital and consumption that exceed 50% by 2100”

    Remember this is a global average. There will be places with a 100% decline.

  •  anar   ( @anarchist@lemmy.ml ) 
    4 months ago

    Oh no not the gross domestic product!!

    Ironically one of the ways to fight climate crisis would be degrowth, which involves not caring about such things as the GDP

  • As I’ve always said, climate protection is economy protection. In the long run especially.

    But those fucks in charge are too short-sighted and narrow-minded.

    Short term profits are more important than long term financial survival. Or, in case of our climate, even survival at all.

  • Hear me out for a moment:
    We can solve a big chunk of this. Politicians want to be elected, so they do what the people want. Under capitalism, every receipt is a ballot paper. Our shopping, toys and short vacations are only possible through exploitation and destruction. If we understand this, we can make different choices and simply let things be. We change our minds, we stop doing it! That’s harder than moaning about politics, the economy and the system on the internet, because you really have to change something about yourself. Paying more money for products that are also available cheaply. But as long as we remain greedy, spoiled bargain hunters, nothing will change around us.
    Bonus points if you talk about it and go protest.

      • Join an initiative at your workplace, neighborhood or start one yourself
      • Join a group that engages in activism
      • Vote for the most ambitious climate candidates at all levels over the next 10 years
      • Buy everything used, second hand
      • Switch to green energy providers
      • Insulate your home
      • Eat less meat and more plant-based foods
      • Shift your banking and investments to benefit the environment
      • Switch to public transportation, bike or electric car
      • Stop flying