•  CanadaPlus   ( @CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
      4 months ago

      Also, it’s China, so higher than normal chance they made it the fuck up. Research ethics is a bit of a problem in the region.

      That being said, it’s not a surprising result. Usually small pieces of tissue can be frozen without problem.

    •  CanadaPlus   ( @CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
      4 months ago

      A lot of people don’t realise, we can and did. In the 50’s. It completely works on small creatures.

      Unfortunately, like you said, cooling is really hard to do quickly in bulk, and no cute tricks have been forthcoming quite yet.

        • The most obvious way around that would be some kind of cryoprotectant, but those have all proven very toxic so far. The next frontier would be trihalose, which we’ve figured out how to produce in quantity recently, so watch out for news on that. To get something hot evenly and quickly, RF heating works great, but it’s not obvious there’s any equivalent for cooling, unless you’re dealing with a few already-cryogenic atoms. One thing I’ve wondered about is using high pressures that depress the freezing point of water, but those kinds of pressures are sometimes biochemically toxic on their own. No research on short exposure in animals seems to exists, unfortunately.

          It’s so close to working, I feel like we’ll solve it eventually, but I don’t know when or how.

          • If I remember correctly the issue has to do with the water in your bodies you can only cool water so fast. If I am recalling correctly you couldn’t even do it with absolute zero temperatures as the water takes to much time to lose energy.

            •  CanadaPlus   ( @CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
              4 months ago

              Well, no. Reductionism still holds. If you could magically make the water everywhere inside super cold, it would behave locally just like water in a smaller creature. Unfortunately, it seems impossible to do that. Even pumping coolant through the circulatory system, which is a thing I know at least happens in some related procedures.