• I’m far too old to be subject to this, but I cannot emphasise how strongly the government could fuck right off if they wanted to draft me.

    For one thing, the government doesn’t own us. We’re not things to be deployed as they see fit. We own them. We pay for them, and their jobs come and go at our discretion.

    For another, fuck all the way off with this “national spirit” shit. You know how you build national spirit? Build a nation that people are actually proud of and want to live in. If we had any solidarity amongst ourselves during the pandemic, it was because we had to band together to get through the crisis because the government was doing fuck all to help. Or was actively endangering people to generate money for business with things like Eat Out To Help Out, which was spearheaded by… Rishi Sunak.

    Thirdly, fuck off even further with volunteering with the Police, Fire and NHS. AKA the services that we pay for with our fucking taxes that they’re supposed to administrate, but instead apparently the plan is to piss all the money away on nothing, make us still pay for it, and then force us to work for them for free to keep them fucking running.

    Fuck. Right. Off. I will go to prison before I participate in this fucking nonsense.

    • I agree all the way around.

      A military recruiter (I don’t remember which branch) spent most of one summer in the 80s trying to phone me while I was home from university. The first time, I was out but my mom told him I wasn’t interested. The second time, she told him – truthfully – that I was busy and couldn’t take his call but that I also wasn’t interested. The third time, she suggested that I tell him myself so that he could stop wasting everyone’s time. That conversation started something like “Hello, I mean no disrespect, but you don’t want me in your organization. I speak Russian for a reason.” He agreed.

    • Mate I think you would like the badge I have on my leather jacket which has the union flag with the caption “FUCK ME LIKE THE GOVERNMENT” across it.

      Now I wonder how many grandparents out there are looking at their grandkids and thinking “these little fuckers need a bit of WAR” because that’s the only people that want this.

      Fuck this jug-eared midget, I hope he gets cancer.

  •  Noit   ( @Noit@lemm.ee ) OP
    254 months ago

    This is death spiral shit. I probably look on national service more favourably than the average person and I know you cannot just throw it out as a desperate Hail Mary without building a huge amount of consensus.

    • If you made it a volunteer with benefits program that tries to offer skills based placement you could literally call it free job experience and a shitton of college grads would be thanking you for doing it, the problem is the command with nothing to gain and the implied threat of what you’ll lose behind it being mandatory.

  •  Blackmist   ( @Blackmist@feddit.uk ) 
    154 months ago

    Really going all in on making sure the youth vote for somebody else.

    It’s like a political version of The Producers at this point, although hopefully without making them accidentally popular.

  • I remember when Carter tried to reactivate the US military draft. It didn’t go well. Young people hated it. Their parents hated it. Their grandparents hated it. Businesses hated it. Colleges hated it. The military hated it. Only Jimmy Carter seemed to love it.

    Reagan won the next election in a landslide.

  • I mean, it is possible that Sunak is playing the long game here. That he knows without a shadow of a doubt, like the rest of us the Tories are getting wiped out, the biblical flood is about to hit their party electorally, and they’re going to lose, bad. That by floating (no pun intended) national service/conscription right off the bat, knowing it’s an absolute loser, but that you can’t divide by the zero sum gain of losing the election, he’s setting Labour up for the remote (yet ever increasing) possibility of a ground war with Russia and the future need for mandatory service, thereby making him and the Tory party look prescient and Sir Keir and Labour look woefully behind the pins. No other possible explanation for it at least that I see.

    • That he’s a moron, there’s also the explanation that he’s a moron.

      He’s the only idiot that could be convinced to take the ship’s wheel after everything Johnson, May, and that Cabbage put the party through.

  • People aren’t reading. It’s a national service where you volunteer for something. 30,000 spots are in the military but theres around 700k kids turning 18 each year, other spots are the NHS, fire service, etc.

    I think it’s a daft gimmick, but it’s not a draft.

  • I think a national service corps isn’t the worst idea in the world, I think it should be voluntary with benefits like military service though, not drafted unless some shit has hit all of the fans all at once and the world needs a rapid rebuild.

  • Cool. There are a lot of people in the UK that have no interest in doing anything for the UK. Will be good to make people more British.

    There some long running families that contribute to defence, police or firefighting. Then there are others that have never contributed and just take.