• Let me guess, only men will be forced?

    He added the move would help young people learn “real world skills, do new things and contribute to their community and our country”.

    LMAO. You know where else they could learn this? In schools, if it were taught! Vocational schools exist too. Or community outreach, or a bunch of other things that don’t involve forcing a person to work for the army.

  • “How do we stop the Sunday papers reporting the shocking poll numbers in the week following the announcement of the general election?”

    “Ah, I have just the thing for you rishi”

  • Tories are cooking…whatever crap they can to appeal to their voter base.

    That same voter base that voted Brexit because of some stupid dream they had that things were better in the past

    Pulling at the same chords, tories appealing to the same delusion that sending the youth to the army… Jesus…right out of the lunatic right playbook