• That’s why I get take-outs, don’t have to do the dishes.

    Also, can we take a moment to talk about how great the performance of whomever that woman in the meme is? Looks like an Oscar worthy performance to me.

    • Making a meal falls into three parts: prep, cook, and clean. I used to hate the ‘boring, standing on my aching feet’ prep bit, so I’d try to fit the prep into the little gaps in cooking. Of course, 8 couldn’t do it and I had to keep adjusting things - taking something off heat/down heat, whatever - to finish the prep for the next stage. The constant adjustments made the food not as good, the cooking unnecessarily stressful, and left me exhausted with a sink full of dishes at the end.

      Nowadays, I sit in front of the tv. I do my prep there, all the peeling and chopping and slicing and dicing. When I cook, everything is ready for me to add to the dish, so the food tastes better and cooking itself is much less stressful. And I use the little bits of spare time during cooking to rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. When I’m done cooking, I only have the last handful of things to put in the dishwasher, plus whatever plates from the meal itself.

      My life is much easier, all because I now watch TV.

    •  Neato   ( @Neato@ttrpg.network ) 
      61 month ago

      Well yeah. Unless you’re using disposable plates, you’re going to still have to do dishes. Fewer, but still.

      But you can reduce that with things like a slow cooker, and one pot meals.

    • The only time I need to do dishes after cooking is when I am cooking something that needs constant attention, too many things at once, orI’m just lazy

      Usually I just have the skillet I cooked in and the plate/silverware I used

  • I heard dishwashers are actually more energy efficient than hand-washing, so no that’s one problem mostly solved. As others commented cook portions that last two or three days or freeze some of it.

  • I always cook as much of whatever I’m making as I can, then put it in containers in the fridge or freezer (depending on the dish and how much).

    And I have some base recipes that I cook that are easy to quickly make other things with. One thing I’ve done for almost two decades now is make a basic kinda “half-bolognese” (can’t think of a better English description right now). Just onion, garlic, meat (or in my case vegan alternative), salt, pepper and some stock of your choice. Then freeze that divided into a couple of portions per bag or container. Very easy to use for a lot of recipes.

    I also buy bags of dried beans (way cheaper than undried or pre-soaked) and soak those then freeze them like above, same thing there with being good bases for many things.

    One of my current favourite recipe that’s quick, cheap and filling without any of the above prep is falafel in tomato sauce. A local brand here in Sweden makes almost weirdly nice falafel that’s $5 for 800g (28oz), which is like 50 falafel balls. I put the falafel in my air-fryer (oven or frying pan works just as well) and while those cook I sauté some onion and garlic in olive oil then add spices (the current version I love is with some smoked paprika, cumin, oregano, thyme, black pepper, lots of turmeric, a bit of soy sauce, a stock cube and either MSG or other umami base). Then add the falafel once done and crushed tomatoes and let cook for a few minutes. Works great with rice, pasta, potatoes in whatever variation you like, couscous, and my current fav which is coarse bulgur with vermicelli (roasted noodles). I wouldn’t have guessed it before trying but the falafel is so good in the sauce!

    1. Eat slower than 10 minutes. My God have some company over. If you’re spending 2 hours cooking there’s no way doubling the recipe takes much longer.

    2. Make the company or your significant other do the dishes. If you’re in a situation where you’re cooking for two hours then doing the dishes yourself, something is wrong.

  • it’s absolutely wild to me how some people cook, if i cook something for 2 hours i’m going to end up with like 50 fucking portions that taste really good.

    A normal meal should take like 30 minutes if you’re feeling fancy, and oftentimes way less than that.
    Just fuckin boil some pasta, fry some protein, and make some sauce…

    • Don’t even get me started. Cooking is my love language. I’ll work from 9-5, the start cooking at 5:30 to have dinner on at 7:30 for my family.

      It’s fun and enjoyable. It’s a form of meditation. I like to drink while I do it. Its a way to practice skill mastery outside of my normal job. I’m a foodie myself who can’t quite afford to eat at Michelin star restaurants every night but appreciate that level of cuisine.

      I’m mastering the French sauces, the Asian stir fries, the curries, American BBQ. I’m my biggest critic and my greatest benefactor. Nothing reminds me that life is good quite like setting down a meal that I’m pretty sure could get a Michelin star to my family and enjoying it together.

    • Beef bourguignon.

      Takes around 30 minutes to get through the preparation of the dish, then another 2 to 4 hours to be thouroughly cooked.

      I can understand and respect if someone does not enjoy cooking and all their patience to do it is exhausted in basic, comforting meals, but you can and should enjoy meals that demand a little more time to make in order to indulge in something, even if only a little, beyond basics.

      The dish I mention is perfect for lazy people: except for the first thirty minutes, the remaining time is just check if there is enough liquid in the pot and add more if necessary. And it is even better if allowed to cool overnight.