• Tbf phones grew bigger at one point.

    Actually the display always grew bigger and the rest of it always grew smaller and at some point, the sum grew bigger

    • Yeah I was going to say, phones are currently growing bigger after hitting a sort of “peak small” lol.

      They’re getting so huge that it’s hard to find a small one without ordering an old model. I like to be able to see things and all but at a certain point they don’t fit comfortably in my pockets

  • It doesn’t help that carmakers get incentivised to go big by fucked up fuel standards. Here in the US the CAFE standards were gutted during their creation to carve out looser standards for obese pickups and hummer-sized SUVs. The bigger they get even within a given segment, the less stringent the requirements are.


    Plus people “feel safer” and all that other jazz when they drive them. It’s just… It’s so stupid to have to watch people continuing to chose shit like this.

    IMO it’s such a multi-faceted problem that at this point about the only thing that makes sense is to switch lanes (heh) and focus on other transit methods. More people will take transit or bike if it’s easier than parking their mile long farm vehicles in tight urban spaces and being helplessly fumigated by standstill traffic.

  • TL:DR; meme bad because they all suck equally.

    This meme is bad because what you’re doing is false equivalence. Your claim about thr first two is very wrong. Those “fat” laptops were superior to the metal turd we buy today. I’d honestly consider buying an old Thinkpad X220 because of how irritated I am at this point. Those bulky dumb-phones are sturdier than the silicon paperweight, and they all come in 6 inches, which is too big for my tiny fingers - but no worries, I can buy a cheap Chinese Android phone, root it with a custom ROM and be done with it. And moderns cars, well, just fuck them for being bad and ruining the landscape with concrete jungles.