•  key   ( @key@lemmy.keychat.org ) 
    184 months ago

    Oh wow newsite comments are always fun.

    Jewish voters vote for leftists by a vast margin. They must switch their vote to Trump and Conservatives. Otherwise they are doomed.

    Trump for Prime Minister!

    • Nah I’m pretty sure there was plenty of Islamists, neonazis and other groups from all sorts of countries targeting Jews long before Netanyahu was around and there will be long after he’s gone. This is just the latest chapter in the several thousand year old world history of antisemitism.

      • You’re not wrong, but Netanyahu’s actions made it worse.

        There’s a reason why it’s in a country’s best interests to obey international laws and standards, because not doing so increases the likelihood of your citizens and your diaspora facing

        We saw this with Americans in the middle east during and after the second gulf war, we saw it with the Japanese expats during WWII, and we’re seeing it with Jews outside of Israel now: in every case, jingoism in an origin country–and the abuses that inevitablt follow–resulted in soldiers, expats and travellers being abused abroad.

        The parallels between Israel after 10/6 and America after 9/11 are depressing: both countries suffered an attack that, by all rights, should have garnered them moral, economic and judicial support world-wide, and both countries’ leaders pissed away that advantage because their leaders were opportunists who used a crisis for personal gain, and the results trashed their reputation and put their citizens at even more risk.

  • It does sound like the student is witnessing calls for the elimination of Israel, which is (in my opinion) way too close to calls for genocide to be tolerated in a school. I’m not sure an art teacher can be faulted for not understanding the geography and history of the conflict well enough to recognize that the map is showing a Palestine displacing Israel, and the students that made the map probably don’t understand that depicting Palestine displacing Israel is (I believe) reasonably understood as a call to genocide.

    I’m not sure what the school can reasonably do.

    • Being an art teacher isn’t an excuse. Everyone should have a basic grasp of the issues and I would argue that being a teacher in any subject elevates that from “should” to “must.”

      I would hope that art is in our schools not merely to promote a leisure activity but to examine different ways of viewing the world. Doing that requires more than just drawing counterfactual maps.

      • Everyone should have a basic grasp of the issues and I would argue that being a teacher in any subject elevates that from “should” to “must.”

        But a basic understanding of the Israel/ Palestine conflict doesn’t include being able to recognize the borders of Israel/Palestine from a child’s art project.

        • But a basic understanding of the Israel/ Palestine conflict doesn’t include being able to recognize the borders of Israel/Palestine from a child’s art project.

          Why not? I have only a high school education and some trade school, all before 1980, and have what it takes to not screw up like this. Surely a university educated person charged with the responsibility to guide our children through complex issues should be held to at least that standard.

    • If you think modern Zionism is about religion in anything but name, or that Palestinian nationalism is about Islam in anything but name, what you believe is even more questionable than what they believe.

      If all religion vanished overnight, the same people would be fighting over the same land with many of the same arguments, but something else substituted for the religion.

      Tribalism knows no borders.

      • what you believe is even more questionable than what they believe

        this is not about me, and my beliefs are my own to judge

        but something else substituted for the religion.

        I agree, but when you live in country far away from that conflict zone, and you see this kind of hate towards people who have nothing to do with it… you know it’s about ideology saying it’s not about religion is the same thing as saying: it’s Ok to let a harmful teachings keep spreading… why not debunk the hell out of it ? and worry about the next issue later… you can’t deny Religion’s role … It’s one of the biggest factors … Explain to me why Abu Abaida starts his speeches by doing Basmala, or why this guy doing a protest is screaming Allahu Akbar…

        Ideology is the core of tribalism, I didn’t say it’s the only factor

  • “…students making antisemitic comments to her daughter and to her friends about her being a Jew.”

    OK, that is antisemitic and totally unacceptable.

    “There were student walkouts about Gaza.”

    Yep, and that’s NOT antisemitic!

    “The school permitted students to wear T-shirts and jewelry depicting the eradication of Israel, mother and daughter said.”

    I’d love to see this clothing. I can’t imagine a teacher allowing anyone wearing a ‘destroy Israel’ shirt. Was it really calling for the eradication of Israel, or for an end to the IDF’s genocide?