• It was a historically accurate assessment of Australia. The ABC can attempt to censor these types of comments as much as it wants to avoid hurting the feelings of the poor little uneducated Australian populace, but it won’t stop them from being true.

    • I agree with her statement, my problem is that it is a very polarising statement and she knows it. It is a waste of time arguing over whether Australia is racist and what that means, but a better use of time is to work out how to make life better for Indigenous Australians and other groups Australia is potentially racist towards.

      • You can’t make life better for marginalised groups if you don’t accept they are being marginalised in the first place. Before anything, Australians need to confront the actual reality of their country, including its real history. Yes, that will offend the uneducated initially but it is the only true way forward.

        • This is the reason that the request for Truth Telling is a fundamental part of the Uluru Statement from the Heart; we need to accept the ill effects of our past on the Aboriginal population, and recognise that colonisation is still happening. Racism has a lot to do with both of those things and it can’t be tiptoed around. Yes, it is difficult. Yes, it is absolutely necessary.

    • Tingle wasn’t talking about that in her original remarks. The bit about The Australian’s considerable coverage on supposed anti-semitism was just meant to illustrate the Murdoch papers’ rank hypocrisy in their beat-up around her remarks.

    • She was referring to Dutton’s anti-migration policies, not genocide:

      She made the comments as the panel discussed Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s budget reply, which included coalition policy measures on migration

  • I don’t know why they sacked Andrew Probyn and kept Tingle, all she’s trying to do is prop up culture war politics in Australia, something we definitely don’t need and certainly shouldn’t have from the ABC.

    Culture wars get the Coalition in power, culture wars killed the Voice to Parliament. Culture wars mean Labor won’t do anything because it might involve them and it means we get bullshit policy from the Coalition

    • I expected more analysis from her in her printed statement justifying her comment.

      She didn’t even try to debunk the notion that reducing migration would ease housing pressure.