I’m considering switching to linux but I’m not a computer savvy person, so I wanted to have the option to switch back to windows if unforeseen complications (I only have 1 pc). Is it just a download on usb and install? And what ways can I get the product key or “cleaner” debloated versions.

  • You dont even install. You download, write to usb and try linux.

    Give it a good hour or more, trying to do a couple basic things like browsing the web, using some apps.

    If you find yourself liking the experience, hit install and go dual boot. You can then decide on every boot if you need windows or linux today.

    In case you feel like getting rid of windows, you can just disable the item in the boot menu (tutorials online) i guess.

    So as you see, there are many failsafes which you can use to not get stuck without a computer that you understand.

    Have a good one.

  • Install Linux in a VirtualBox virtual machine to try it out. No change to your existing Windows system is needed.

    Better: install it in a virtual machine on a second hard drive: if you like it and you’re ready to switch, switch to booting the real Linux hard-drive and turn the Windows hard drive into the virtual machine, to use within Linux when you need it.

    If you switch to Linux, this will happen:

    • It’s gonna be tough: it’s a different system, you’re not used to it. Like everything else, it’s hard to change and get used to new things. So realistically expect some learning curve and some pain. It’s normal.

    • If you give it an honest shot but you decide Linux is not for you, you’ll switch back to Windows. You’ll be back to your old normal, but you’ll start to notice how infuriating and spirit-crushing it is a lot more, having been exposed to a non-insane, user-centric OS for a while. And then you’ll be that much sadder in Windows and you’ll wish you had the best of both OSes - which you can’t.

    Just be aware than exposure to a non-Windows OS will probably make you hate Windows more and make your life in Windows ever slightly more miserable, even if you don’t stick to the non-Windows OS.

    • I haven’t used Linux in a decade and half (I know myself and I wouldn’t reboot once done gaming and I have one game that is not just wine or whatever and done and it’s my main one) and I still miss things from it. The first few PCs I used were Linux. It just sticks with you.

    •  lud   ( @lud@lemm.ee ) 
      4 months ago

      If you have windows pro, education, or enterprise I recommend Hyper V instead. It’s much faster because it’s a type 1 hypervisor instead of a type 2 like virtual box

  • Easy in terms of installing windows? No harder than a normal install in any situation. Easy in terms of usability? Can’t even imagine ever trying. Have a hard enough time using my windows cloud r at work.

  • I know it’s not what you’re asking but switching back is truly horrible, I have to use w11 at work and I hate every second of it. One drive shoven down your throat, Xbox stuff wants to install something everytime I update, installing stuff from random exes found on websites (I know the store exists but it sucks if your needs are not “I want to install candy crush”), changed something in your path variable? Reboot! Wtf? I really hope microsoft abandons windows in favour of its cloud apps for people who need it and lets Linux distros rule the desktop world

  •  kbal   ( @kbal@fedia.io ) 
    4 months ago

    Technically it’s easy. You just leave your Windows install where it is (assuming you have enough disk space) and it’ll be waiting there ready to embrace you again when you decide to give up on freedom and come crawling back. Psychologically it could be a challenge.

  • If your PC already has Windows, you can create an installation USB key.


    There’s no need for a Windows key because your system is already registered with Microsoft. It creates a unique ID from your computer’s peripherals.

    So just pop in the USB key, boot from the usb key and follow the instructions. To boot from the USB key you might need to go configure the boot order in your BIOS.

    • This is the best answer I’ve seen in this whole thread. You’re right that the key is not needed. Microsoft identified your system components and did the original activation based on the hardware you’ve got on your computer. All you need to do to bring back a licensed copy of Windows is to reinstall it.

  • If you have a big storage device you can just partition it and have dual boot, or if you need to use windows stuff you can always virtualize it with Virtualbox for example.

    Answering you question, you just need to download the windows iso and use MAS(google it) to activate windows/office permanently. But anyway nowadays isn’t required to activate windows unless you want to change how your desktop looks.

  •  GrappleHat   ( @GrappleHat@lemmy.ml ) 
    4 months ago

    If you’re nervous about the switch consider dual-booting. Then you’re not fully committed to the switch & you can have your old Windows system back whenever you want it.

    Main steps are:

    • Run a defrag on your Windows machine to physically consolidate all your Windows data to one area.
    • Break that partition into two (Linux will go one the new empty side)
    • Install Linux from a USB as normal, but don’t choose to wipe your drive completely. Choose a manual option instead where you specifically indicate your intended Linux partition from above.
    • Optional: Once installation is complete you can set up another partition to hold files which can be available to both OSs.
      • Boot into Linux & define the remaining unused space in the Linux partition as a new NTFS partition & give it a name which makes it obvious what it is (i.e. “sharedspace”)
      • Then boot into Windows and move the existing data you’d like to share between OSs here (work documents, movies, music, etc.)

    Some useful links:

    •  KRAW   ( @KRAW@linux.community ) 
      54 months ago

      I would argue that it is better to have two separate drives for the installation. It simplifies things for non tech savvy people, and I believe Windows has less of an opportunity to mess with your linux install, such as messing with the efi partition.

      •  d-RLY?   ( @dRLY@lemmy.ml ) 
        4 months ago

        THIS all fucking day for new and even experienced users. Setting up a dual boot is fairly easy. But the moment you decide that you just need Windows (mostly new/non-tech users) and delete the Linux partition. Shit will break booting and lead to so much panic and/or frustration just getting Windows booting again. And that ignores the additional fuck-ups that can happen with just making a small mistake doing anything with partitions no matter the OS. It is much less frustrating to just disconnect the second drive in a desktop (or just format the drive and have as a data drive). Or to just swap one drive for another in a laptop with one drive bay/slot. Opening a laptop might be annoying depending on the model.

        But at least your data and OS won’t be lost. Lots of people can understand using a screwdriver and spudgers while watching a video and some care. But lots of video and written guides for complex software can be worse. Lots of my frustrations with Linux guides over the years has to do with some steps being just left out due to the person(s) showing or writing it just assume certain steps as being super “obvious” or “common sense.” Though some folks are at least good at pre-facing stuff as assuming certain levels of knowledge. So it is easier to know that I might need to also research whatever they mentioned.

        And if someone is experienced, it is still good to keep your OSes on physically different drives. Reduce the amount of problems that can come from a drive going bad and taking both (or however many) OSes down together. Of course backups are to be made for reasons that include a drive failing. But shit happens, and minimizing impact and the work needed to get everything working again is always a good idea. It is also nice to know that if you get the itch to distro-hop, you can just nuke the one drive without worry as much as you want. Keep your “I need to know this won’t be impacted” drive safe, and your play drive liquid.