• The truth is that Rishi Sunak is very happy to sacrifice the young to bad outcomes because he doesn’t think they’ll vote for him anyway so he can punch down without fear of electoral impact.

  • He hates poor people, is the thing. Younger people are poorer, so he hates them as a by-product. It’s the same deal with immigrants: the Tories are mostly fine with rich immigrants, but since most immigrants are poor, that still means they hate most immigrants.

  • Is there a requirement for him to stick around and campaign? It sounds like he’s already made his post-election plans. He’s already got the PM gig on his resumé. Why not go now and avoid the abuse? He can claim he’s doing it out of a sense of fairness to give the Tories a fresh start.

      • OK, but he did claim he was going to stay on as an MP. Come to think of it, that’s a bit of an admission that he’s going to lose the election and then be replaced as leader of the Conservative Party.

        • I haven’t heard either way… I have a feeling though that he’s resigned to losing and is just trying to preserve what little dignity his party has left by not triggering yet another change in leadership between elections. Nothing that he’s said or done tells me that he and his team really care about the election.

          • The Conservative Party is notoriously unforgiving of leaders who lose general elections, and currently pathologically addicted to leadership elections. I’d be very surprised if he’s not gone by the end of the year even if he does exceptionally well in the general election.

            • Yeah definitely and good riddance to him. I think they should ask Rory Stewart to come back. They won’t do that of course but I feel like he’s the only decent guy they’ve had near the top in as long as I can remember.

              •  david   ( @david@feddit.uk ) OP
                25 days ago

                If Rory Stewart were standing in my constituency, I would be very tempted to vote for him. In his work he’s now an advocate of alleviating many of the problems in the poorest communities globally by giving no-conditions cash. Who knew that the problems of poverty could be solved with money?!!!

                He’s also a reasonable person and one who I think genuinely wants good things for the country in general rather than just for rich folk. He actually wants Britain to be governed well and in the interests of the population. He has some blind spots of course, he wouldn’t be a Conservative of he didn’t, but he’s decent and there’s hope that he can be persuaded by evidence of benefit.

  • Young people can really make a difference in this election.

    The difference being a move from tories just losing. To them failing to be the main opposition party.

    The current predictions on electoral calculus are 66 seats for the tories. 59 seats for the lib dems.

    But there are a predicted 53 seats where lib dems are predicted to land within 10 % of the tories winning.

    Young voters are generally under represented in this polling. So if you live in one of those seats. A high agreement to tactical vote among younger voters. And a higher turn out. Could be enough to turn 4 or more seats. Making the lib de,s the official opposition.

    And the tories the 3rd party.

    Personally I cannot imagine a more effective way to inform the tories they funked up with younger voters.

    •  david   ( @david@feddit.uk ) OP
      26 days ago

      And they so very badly need to learn that lesson, yes. Hopefully this nonsense motivates a new generation of young people forming a habit of voting, and of voting against the Conservative Party.

  •  Baggins   ( @baggins@beehaw.org ) 
    328 days ago

    Technically he was right, no one is being made to go into the Army.

    To be really pedantic, one of the options is military service. That covers all three services.

    Rish! is still a knob though. He might as well leave now. We know he’s off abroad at the first opportunity.

    • Young people don’t want to give up their weekends doing unpaid “mandatory volunteer” work either, though. There’s no actually good option here for young people.

      Let them get a good education, let them build a career, let them use spare hours for extra earning or relaxation, because their property costs are astronomical. Don’t sacrifice them further just for political gain.

      It’s true to form for the Conservatives, though. You were sacrificed for political gain if you were low paid, if you needed healthcare or social care, if you were disabled, if you were trans, and pretty much if you weren’t a wealthy outright property-owner.

  • The thing is, the whole ‘National Service’ thing is to get all the old people to vote - and we’re getting to a point where none of THEM did national service but they think it’ll be a good thing for other people to do.