This is affecting many PC gamers around the world, such as myself, as the last 3 PlayStation releases on Steam have been blocked in many countries. I wanna know what’s your take on this. Please be respectful, and thank you. 😊

  • Make it a carrot, not a stick. I signed in with me gog account for cyberpunk 2077 just fine because I wanted a jacket and it was 100% optional

    I’m so sick of companies doing things to maximize numbers rather than for the sake of making the best experiences. Capitalism doesn’t work, our data is worth more than our loyalty now.

  • Makes sense as a requirement for online play.

    I even understand region-locking all digital PC titles to regions where they already sell digital console titles. (Global consumer care, legal, and tech support is a complex beast.)

    Requirement for single player is unnecessary though.

    I can’t think of any good technical or business reason for it. Just shoehorning an extra potential marketing channel that doesn’t really need to exist if they just use the PC-based channels that are already available without extra friction.

  • While I can create a PSN account in my country, I won’t. I just won’t purchase anymore Sony games and be done with it.

    They already joined EA, Take-Two and Ubisoft on my Steam ignore list.

  • Same as I’ve been saying for 25 years:

    Fuck Sony, and fuck their anti-consumer practices.

    Think about it: even if you can get a psn account and play without a problem, this is being done to exploit and commoditize you.

    Fuck Sony.

  • My thoughts on this is that people, regardless of financial status, should just skip buying a PS5 and for a lower price just get a refurbished Steam Deck from Valve for cheaper. Also to straight up avoid buying PlayStation titles on PC in order to send a message that this toxic behavior is unacceptable.

    • That’s me I have bough most consoles over the years. Now I have a steam deck and I’m staying there. Purchase a game and being able to play it on the next version because it’s just a PC is going to be nice. No more worries about backwards compatibility.

  • I have a psn account, I own a Playstation.

    I don’t like the slow march towards all our activities being constantly monitored by someone.

    I won’t be buying any pc versions of Sony games and adding my psn account to it.

    Especially with PSN being a paid service and I’m sure their goal is to charge for access and all pc games will become subscription ontop

  • With all the very valid talking points that float around the Internet and here, the most important one is how sloppy Sony’s data security has been throughout the years. The breaches during the last decade simply stripped every piece of trust from me. That’s why I’m not a fan of PSN, even if you could argue it’s just “yet another account”.

    But unless near everybody refuses to buy these PC games and cut into the sales of Sony through boycott, I don’t see Sony stopping it.

  • I have a PSN account through owning a PS3/4. I don’t have anything against using it on the consoles since you’d need it to use their online services through there. On Steam however it seems like it’s just a means to track you and I’m not willing to do that lest it gives Sony the idea to start its own platform like Origin or Uplay/Connect.

  •  N0x0n   ( ) 
    1 month ago

    At first I was happy that sony finally ported games to PC, but I never though they would force PSN to the PC gaming community…

    I would have paid for every game they would have ported, to encourage crossplatform release.

    With PSN in mind, I will probably just pirate their game and call it a day. 🖕