• In today’s episode of mind-numbingly bad lib takes:

    So this is:

    • Erasure of queer Palestinians and their related experiences

    • The use of “virtue signalling” to immediately dismiss queer voices in a country where it’s very hard to be openly LGBTQIA+ (also, a phrase that’s almost entirely used by conservatives and other right-wing extremists – interesting)

    • “We can only talk about one thing at a time”

    • Implicit Islamaphobia - whether Palestine is LGBTQIA+ friendly seems irrelevant when the entire world seems currently aimed at our oppression, included in “free” states like the US. If LGBTQIA+ people are being uniquely oppressed in Palestine, then that’s all the more reason to speak out against, y’know – fucking murdering them

    When this user sees groups like disabled queers, BLM, or queer anarchists go by in their Pride parade, I wonder if they shake their fist and shout “virtue signalling” because according to them they are separate issues-

    • Since my rights are under attack (queer) I guess I’m not allowed to comment on any other issues.

      I suppose those issues are mostly separate, but like, why does someone care that they’re supposedly too different?