• CEOs absolutely cannot be replaced by AI because the role that CEOs are meant to fulfill is accountability. When things go wrong, they get passed up the chain, and the CEO is at the top of that chain. Though, it’s not like human CEOs are held accountable either, just that in theory, they’re meant to be, and AIs would be impossible to hold accountable. Currently, CEOs get the best of all worlds - they get huge bonuses when the company does well, and they are sheltered and fall upwards if the company does poorly

  • Lads have been staring at a computer screen too long and have no idea how the real world works.

    Man is a political animal. People become CEO/president by seniority, respect, reputation. You get to that position by convincing enough of the right people to give you that position.

    You don’t think that’s “rational”? Fine, go tell the president of some local society or your company and report back on your results.

  •  Lucz1848   ( @Lucz1848@lemmy.ca ) 
    24 months ago

    You could replace the one percent with AI. At least with AI, the complete absence of humanity is easier to understand.

    In any case, AI can hoard wealth more efficiently than the one percent, so they should be separated from their wealth for better efficiency of the hoarding. The one percent can then pull themselves up by the bootstraps, and embrace the grindset like the rest of us.