•  Truck_kun   ( @Truck_kun@beehaw.org ) 
      22 days ago

      … I had an IT tech from our old MSP tell me her knowledge/recommendation of ABP is what got her the job.

      I knew her boss, and doubt that was the reason (probably more because she was cheap entry level labor), but that some people have that take in a professional setting shocked me. I don’t think your ad-blocker recommendation will ever be what lands you a job, but I do think it’s possible for it to be the reason you don’t get a job.

  • extension design and strong content filters make AdBlock for Firefox a solid choice for people who don’t necessarily despise all ads

    Do these people exist and if so, have they been checked for brainworms?

    The rest is also stupid, ublock origin can and does block trackers, and can be made to block more stuff if you want. It’s strictly better in every way than the competition, which lets through more stuff, and/or sells your info. The article would be very short though if they just said that.

    • I’m not opposed to allowing ads, but until there are enforceable limits it’s too risky. If a service that serves a malware ad or a scam ad risks its entire system being blocked across all sites, then maybe we could get somewhere.

      We’d need something like ad server whitelists and fast-acting disqualifications. No ad server anonymity or rapid name changes, no adding backdoors for your friends. If your break the guidelines, you loose the ability to do business anywhere for at least a day.

    • I like Adguardhome better.

      Adaway on rooted Android is pretty amazing and blocks a lot of ads in apps.

      SmartTubeNext for ad free YouTube on TV. And S0undTV for ad free twitch on TV.

      Revanced Manager for ad free YouTube and more on Android phones.

  •  olicvb   ( @olicvb@lemmy.ca ) 
    1522 days ago

    I see all the Ublock Origin love, I also want to bring up Privacy badger (while not an adblocker I use it and would love for people to confirm it’s relevancy to me).

    Should be part of the basic user extension kit afaik

  •  Spooty   ( @Spooty@lemmy.ml ) 
    22 days ago

    uBlock Origin + NoScript + Toggle referrer (+ SponsorBlock for YT).

    NoScript can be a pain to manage occasionally but even on pemit-all-by-default mode you can block some of the more ubiquitous insidious trackers like Google and Facebook without impacting your functionality at all.

  • uMatrix + uBlock Origin

    Edit: For YouTube there is also SponsorBlock, but I don’t use YouTube directly anymore. It’s part of FreeTube, so you could add SponsorBlock to the list too if you want. More Edit: yt-dlp also supports SponsorBlock for downloaded videos.

    • Umatrix was awesome but is unfortunately not maintained anymore since July 21, 2021. Ublock origin is a perfect replacement though and can be deeply configured behind its simpler appearance. Coupled with the LibRedirect add-on in the Librewolf browser and I can navigate ad and tracking free.

      • Dang, I was not aware uMatrix was not maintained anymore. But it does still its job and has its own usefulness. I like the interface and how everything is layed out easily, where I can allow or deny specific domains or categories back and forth. It shows in a table which domain requests what category (and how many). So this is to me invaluable and a good companion alongside uBlock Origin. I can also just allow only images for a certain domain in example, not just its entirety. Its easy to see and work from this table to me. Like in this screenshot:

        • I noticed that it was not maintained when some pop-ups showed up while they used to be blocked. I also first missed that level of granularity from umatrix. You can replicate it with the element picker mode in Ublock but I realized that I could live with the “basic” Ublock advanced settings.

          • I can’t replicate this with ublock element picker, because not every element can be picked like in matrix. Also I can see what domain each element is that I am about to block, and even just block or allow specific elements per domain. umatrix also does not save all changed rules until I click the save button. Its easy to revert and try stuff.

            With the element picker in ublock its not like that. In example I use zapper to block stuff (btw it can only block, not allow stuff). And now when I want to make that setup permanent, I have to reload site and start doing the same again with the permanent block element functionality.

            But on the other side, for some webpages ublocks visual blocker is much better. In my experience, both tools are good and cannot replicate the other. I even think umatrix should be installed by default everywhere ublock origin is installed too, but someone trustworthy needs to maintain it.

            •  www-gem   ( @wwwgem@lemmy.ml ) 
              22 days ago

              Using Ublock picker (not zapper) you can block/allow elements per domain and save/revert your choices. But overall, like I already said, I agree with you that umatrix offered a more granular and easy approach. It would be nice to see that implemented in Ublock. I nonetheless understand why it’s not the case since it would benefit only few users and may scared most of the others.

              Hopefully umatrix will work for you for a long time. For me it was not and that’s how I discovered Ublock and adapt to its “limitations”. On a daily basis it helps me browse the internet like umatrix did. It’s just sad that umatrix was not forked.

  • Linux: firefox/waterfox + uBlock + UnboundVPN on OpnSense Router (via wireguard if not at home) + YouTube premium (1$ a month payed via india)

    iOS: safari + 1Blocker(lifetime) + UnboundVPN on OpnSense Router (via wireguard if not at home) + YT premium (1$/month)

  •  Truck_kun   ( @Truck_kun@beehaw.org ) 
    22 days ago

    My typical recommendation would be:

    Normie: uBlock Origin

    Techie: uBlock Origin + uMatrix

    Security Critical/Paranoia/Just Hate Yourself: uBlock Origin + uMatrix + NoScript

    I use the last option at work, and the middle option at home, and the first option for my wife’s computer.

    For me, a lot of it isn’t about ads, it’s more about the security risk of cross site scripting. Typically, if I’m visiting a site, I probably trust it, but I have no trust for people they sell ads to. I don’t mind sites I trust having a few non-intrusive ads, but of course that’s not the reason I use blockers; if a site has so many ads it is unusable, I just don’t ever visit it again (plenty of 'don’t show articles from ’ flags in my google news feed for this very reason. I’ll never know if you redeem yourself, because I will just never visit your site again.).

    • If XSS is your concern, check out Firefox’s Container Tabs. They allow you to set up tab groups that restrict access to cookies to only tabs in that group, so you can just, eg, set up a group for your bank and restrict it to just your bank’s site. Your session cookie etc are then not available to any other tab groups.

      I pair that with the Temporary Containers extension, so any random tab I open is in its own container. Everything is always separate.