• I’m running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.

    99% happy, once in a blue moon there is a library issue during an update, I have to wait a few days, that’s it.

    Very solid KDE experience, all of the things I wanted to do worked out of the box. Very solid.

  • I’m enjoying Linux Mint so far

    I’m thinking I may hope around to a distro using a newer kernel but meh

    Mint is pretty nice

    Edit: My “meh” is because Mint has been super stable for me and I’m not really sure that the effort to switch distros is worth it given that my systems are already rock solid.

  • EndeavourOS. Arch, but easy to install. I’m thrilled with it, although I suspect I’d be even happier if I’d have tried one of the convenience installers for the base. Endeavor is has prettier defaults, so less fussing with basic stuff.

    Otherwise, I’m thrilled. I have Artix on my laptop, and while I like not having systemd on it, some things are a bit more kludgey, and I spend more time on maintenance and working to fill gaps. Like, there are not dinit entries for every service, and I have to write them myself; which is absurdly easy, but still. Maybe in a couple years Artix will be less of a chore; in the meantime I’m preferring EndesvorOS.

    I do not like the frequency of reboots necessitated by kernel upgrades. I know that I could mask it, but IME that eventually causes problems with packages than make .ko kernel modules; it’s just more things to fail, and it makes me really wish Linus would have just based Linux on MINIX.

    Anyway, I have 4 computers I deal with which are Debian based, and I never love Arch more than when I have to do something on Debian. Two are Mint, which are infected with flatpack, and I really hate those.

  • my arch systems have been great for years now. had one breakage that was not my own fault though.

    i also have some older thinkpads with endeavor and they’re working great as well.

    i would distrohop but i’m too accostomed to the arch repos and aur at this point.

  • My distro hoping days are about done. I started with ubuntu -> KDE Neon -> Arch -> Manjaro -> Solus -> Manjaro -> Pop_OS -> Fedora.

    I’m sticking with fedora because I love the ideology behind the project and the pace of updates works perfect for me. Not too fast but still very up-to-date. Also I used to hate gnome but after using fedora I love it, I realized I didn’t hate gnome but hated all the clunk other distro would add to it. I am interested in NixOS but for now I’m gonna continue to stick with fedora, might hop to fedora silverblue tho.

  • Recently tried Kubuntu. It was able to successfully connect to my docking station with double 4k monitors connected too, which some other distros failed at. So pretty happy with that I suppose.

    All in all, I still find most distros to be hit and miss with issues. There’s always something that makes it meh. Like missing features or inconveniences.

    Sometimes I think the Linux community should try to consolidate more to focus on a few well-working distros rather than the large amount of distros that are currently there, each with their own set of issues.

  • I run Kinoite on my Laptop and Silverblue on my desktop. After years of “I use arch, BTW”, I decided I needed something that Just Works; and let me tell you, Fedora has not failed to impress.