Parents and teens alike are trading in their smartphones for “dumber” models to help stay offline.

  •  JelloBrains   ( ) 
    84 months ago

    I wonder if there is a niche market for something like an old Dell Axim x50v or a Palm Pilot that could do those smartphone functions on a wifi connection, that way you have the best of both worlds, carry a dumbphone. However, you could still walk into a local Library or even some McDonald’s and connect if need be on the other device.

    Of course, then you have to inconveniently carry two devices and the temptation would probably still be there.

    •  Baggins   ( ) 
      34 months ago

      Like here for instance? They could always set up the phone to only allow set times on certain apps. However, of you can set a time limit, you can also unset a time limit. Not having the apps and games in front of you is the key thing.

      You wouldn’t expect a smoker to walk about with fags and lighter in their pocket and not touch them, or an alcoholic with a half bottle of vodka in their bag, calling them all day.

      We’ve been led into a world of ‘must have’ apps, blogs and an always online culture.

      It’ll do us a power of good to step back from that. Beehaw, PieFed and Vivaldi Social are the only ones I keep now.

      Spending a lot less time online and reading a hell of a lot more. And I feel better for it. Less stressed and more relaxed. I don’t have the peer pressure that young kids get though. Any that tells me I ‘must’ use a certain app can do one and they get a lecture on online security and conspiracy theories to go with it. They soon give up 😉