Israel continues to show they’re the ones against peace

  • Anyone expecting Israel to do anything else than genocide is insane. Stop them. Please. They won’t do it themselves. I know the US is all in on the insanity so please some country with sane leaders and ICC jurisdiction do what’s right

    • The problem that other countries face is the US retaliating if anyone does anything to Israel. There’s a reason that Israel’s neighbors, most notably Egypt, are mostly just letting this happen. They just aren’t willing to get treated like Hezbollah or Ansar Allah or Iran.

      • The thing is, if a few large western countries like France, Germany, and the UK would band together and demand an end to it, there might be discomfort with political relations, but Biden and the US wouldn’t really have any room to squirm. But other than France, the others don’t seem to mind, or at least don’t mind out loud.

        • The UK under the Tories is all in on support for the genocide. And Keir Starmer isn’t one to rock the boat. His priority seems to be stamping out anything good in the Labour Party.