Meanwhile the LPC oppose the bill while the CPC would work to amend it.

  • The legislation doesn’t specify how websites should verify a user’s age, but options include establishing a digital ID system or services that can estimate an individual’s age based on a visual scan of their face.

    Yeah, that’s a greeeeat idea. People will obviously be totally on board with their computer taking their picture while they’re gearing up to do that.

    Regardless, all laws like this do are sell VPN subscriptions or push people to the real shady sites. As a consistent NDP voter (not that my vote matters in my Conservative riding) I sincerely hope they’re making a show of reviewing this bill before dismissing it. We saw what happens when the NDP tries to move right of the Liberals under Mulcair - it’s a bad move.

      • Yup, but politicians are always trying to play the game. They probably have some internal metric causing them to believe that making a show of looking into this might win them a few voters while retaining their base. Maybe they’re right, but I still don’t like it. Either way they’ll have my vote as they’re the only non-Conservative party with even a remote possibility of winning my riding. (Plus I’ve sworn off the Liberals for a good while after their broken promise on electoral reform.)

  •  kbal   ( ) 
    353 months ago

    What a joke politics has become. Since the 1990s “protect the children” has become a perennial excuse for absurd legislation that does nothing of the sort, and not one party has learned how to stand firm against the calumnious deceit of the people who habitually abuse it. The Liberals feel confident enough to oppose this bill only because they have their own which is almost as bad.

    Strange to think that only a few generations ago Canada was known for “good government.”

  • Where is the bill to make child marriage illegal if we want to speak about “protecting the children”? How about proper funding, staffing, and over site of Child protection services?

    It is disgusting looking at how many lengths politicians go to ignore, and prevent changes to, those laws while making nothing issues the “solution”.

    I am going to keep saying this. Anyone down to form a party?

  • There are NO parties in Canada that represent non-corporate interests.

    When your government commits crimes against its country wholesale, there is nothing you can do that even compares. Abuse self-checkouts, cook your taxes, split your internet connection across 3 houses. You will never do a thousandth of the damage they do to you.