• I thought souls- like fans love tough bosses. Enjoy it then. I think they should git gud. /s

    For full disclosure, I suck at souls-like and I beat Elden Ring by cheating(completely offline). I have been called Mentally removed for wanting an easy mode. I don’t like souls like fans, not all, just some of the more hardcore ones.

      • Some people like developing an artistic skill. This is that. Fuck up on the piano? Start that part over and get it right this time. Fuck up in elden ring? Start that part over and get it right this time. Both have acceptable amounts of variation that lead to success. Elden ring is in fact easier, because things can change that aren’t solely your skill level (stats/gear). There’s a lot of reasons the souls series and similar games are conducive to speedrunning, this loop of self-improvement is a major one.

        When I read comments like yours, they come across as saying “practicing anything is stupid and I do not see the benefit”. It’s easy: practicing anything is fun and you only get to see the benefit after you fail, then succeed. If there’s some mental disconnect you have where you can’t envision success for yourself, or you think succeeding won’t be fun, it certainly isn’t the fault of the game or the community.

      • Have you tried being zealously masochistic and self-flagellant? Gitting gud is another option.

        But really though there’s something endearing about a game being ruthlessly difficult with no easy mode slider. I’m normally the type of guy to crank everything down to easy to have a relaxing time, but when I’m in the mood for it Souls games scratch that itch juuuuust right.

      • Honestly, it was not enough. With Easy Mode mod, I could actually explore the game world and immerse myself more than I would ever have. One of my favourite moments is when I was fighting Dragonkin boss in front a giant throne occupied by a massive skeleton in first underground city. It was amazing. I could never experience it without that mod. I am too easily frustrated.

  • My only issue is that since the DLC was released I can no longer play online on linux. It says “Inappropriate behavior detected” no matter what. Didn’t even buy the DLC.

  • Please note this article is 100% BS. The DLC currently has a Mostly Positive rating on Steam with 87% of the people leaving a positive review.

    The people complaining are mostly about stuff like crashes, bad net code and poor fps. This is not a dlc thing, but a base game thing. The pc port simply has some issues, for most people it’s totally fine. For others it’s unplayable. With the amount of different systems out there, there is always going to be a group of people with issues. I feel like this is a very vocal minority though.

  • The article title seems to oversimplify things a little with the “too hard” bit. I read a couple dozen negative reviews, and most cite poor performance, copy-paste boss design, too much hp and/or too little player damage, and unfair mechanics. Sure, those last two aspects could be seen as “too hard”, but they read like there’s a difficulty spike from the base game. Whether this is a case of players needing to adapt or whether there’s an actual issue here, I don’t know, but seems there’s more to this than just a case of players complaining about a hard game being hard.

  • I loved Elden Ring, I don’t play many games these days but it really hooked me. But also it really needs to get over itself and add difficulty options.

    I do think the difficulty is part of the fun but I almost didn’t finish it because it was so all over the place, toward the end it just got grindy, bosses just turned into long roll fests until you got your one chance per minute to knock off 2% of its health bar. They feel more like endurance matches that test your patience more than skill.

    Sometimes I’m dying a lot and having fun because the challenge is good, but sometimes it’s just tedious and I want to move on to the next area. I would love to be able to drop the difficulty for a bit just for those spots, hell make it an in game item called cry baby bottle for losers and wimps for all I care.

    •  Thorry84   ( @Thorry84@feddit.nl ) 
      3 months ago

      It has difficulty options. Where the previous FromSoft games would just lock you in a closet with a boss, whilst flicking you in the balls and laughing at you “Git gud son”, Elden Ring has a lot of stuff to make things more manageable. For example there is summons, in the form of NPC (often with interesting quest lines to get them), other players via online and your personal spirit summons. The game is also completely open. So when you get stuck on a boss, you can just leave and go do something else. Explore the world, go level up, go find weapons, armor and other items to help you. Overleveling is not hard and the world is huge and a lot of fun to explore. The game also almost never locks content behind a boss. You can do a lot in the game without beating any of the hard bosses. If with all that the game is still to hard, then maybe the game isn’t for you. Hard games have a place in the world imho. And if you just want to enjoy the world for the fun of it, I would suggest one of the mods out there to make the game as easy as you want it to be.

      Sure Elden Ring is a tough game to get the hang of, but it isn’t hard at all and provides plenty of difficulty adjustments. There’s also a lot of people that adjust the difficulty in the other direction. For example people that do RL1 runs or limit themselves to a certain kind of weapon. I think it’s cool the game has so many options to enjoy it.

    • It has difficulty options but it’s if you use summons, heavy shields and similar stuff. Bosses can become really easy that way if you want to. You could also go for a solo playthrough with no shield for more difficulty.

      Elden Ring is both the easiest and hardest Fromsoft game in recent times because of how many really strong things are in it for the player to use. But if you play melee only, the bosses are harder than the old games.

    • I’m not amazing at these games, particularly the faster ones, but I’m pretty good to the point I tend to play thematic builds or and actively eshew OP stuff because it’s funnier to kill a dragon with a dagger than a big sword.

      I think elden ring is almost flawless until after leyndell. Going from one of the best levels they’ve ever made, filled with thoughtful design to bats that 2 hit your 60 vigur build in the flat, empty snowfields is… A decision.

      It’s basically tradition that the bottom falls out of these games in the last bits. I think elden ring is just too big, even the levels with great design like elphale end up becoming tedious slog fests because there’s just nowhere for them to take it. Hey look it’s those basic soldiers, but they’re umm golden now and they hit like a truck and umm explode and uhhh 8 Royal revenants. Hmm game design!

      The broken scaling of everything means that a lot of the boss fights end up either you wombo combo them, they wombo combo you, or it’s a tedious scratch and run away event. There’s no epic genichiro or owl level toe to toe lightning duels. Even malania, a boss with absolutely stunning design, becomes dying to waterfowl dance in one/two hit/s over and over till you learn to dodge it or just snap and pull out the blasphemous greatsword and chain pancake her to death.

  • Personally I have complicated feelings about this DLC.

    The world design is a 10/10 for me but the rest…

    For a start the Open World feels a bit unrewarding. I don’t really have a problem with the abundance of empty space but the rewards you get for exploration feel a bit weak to me. I would have liked a few more weapons in chests and other places instead of Smithing Stone 8 #1241. Case in point: They added 8 new weapon categories but from what I can see barely one of these new categories has more than a single regular weapon in it. Definitely a missed opportunity.

    As for the combat it’s fine outside of the bosses. The enemies hit like a truck but once you figure out the gimmicks it’s quite manageable. The bosses however are some of the worst in the entire game. I’m not an outstanding player, I’m not even good. But me being bad is not quite the problem I have with these. The problem I have with these bosses is that they are frustrating. For example the first Dancing Lion Boss has such an arsenal and length of combos that, when coupled with its flowing moveset, I cannot find a reliable gap to exploit. I think I found one only for the boss to switch up the Combo the 3rd time around (not HP related changes) and kill me anyway. Add to that the camera being absolute garbage and it feels like I’m fighting a duo boss. The cooldowns between their combos also are annoyingly uncertain, sometimes you have a gap to heal after a combo and sometimes they start the next combo almost immediately. Now mind you there might be gaps I don’t see but if the only people who can even find the gaps are the top 20% of players then negative reviews will be inevitable.

    What makes this entire thing worse is that as soon as you employ spirit summons the entire charade is exposed. The only reason these bosses are “hard” is because they hit you in a relentless torrent of combos. The moment there is any other target to take the heat off of you the difficulty plummets into the core of the planet. Oh and also their pathfinding is absolutely shot, I’ve had multiple cases where Bosses (and regular enemies) got stuck path finding towards me because I was standing on a little pebble or behind a pillar. I think mages are also completely fucked because almost every boss I’ve stumbled upon was in permanent distance closing mode. No or extremely rare walk phases where a mage could fire off a few spells but instead just constant pressure.

    I think the Bosses can’t even be easily rebalanced because the problem is not that they are too tanky or deal too much damage, they are imo just terribly designed to where they are too hard when in a 1v1 and too easy in a 2+v1 due to their move-/attacksets. If they rebalance anything maybe the frequency between combos could be tuned a bit but I really don’t think that’s going to change much about how people perceive these bosses.

  • I’m almost done with the DLC and most bosses are in-line with the last few bosses in the main game. I never felt like it was overly unfair, that said I did notice stuttering every now and then, but nothing major. Wish that got fixed.

  •  Neato   ( @Neato@ttrpg.network ) 
    3 months ago

    I beat the first major boss: Dancing Lion from trailers. I’m not good at these games. Took me a dozen+ tries. I used the NPC summon because they tend to have story elements.

    NPC doesn’t do much damage and dies quickly in phase 2. It helps but not that much.

    So far it’s not that hard. Biggest hurdle is even with +24 weapons I cannot do sufficient damage to the wickermen or new dragons. I assume it’s the leveling items? But their moves aren’t hard, it just feels like chip damage.