• More than just climate. Huge infrastructure acts that are helping rebuild our our states. Helping us add stuff like protected bike lanes, too. Capping prescription costs, which is huge.

    Massive investments in our economy and R&D, something we have been sorely lacking.

    Some queer rights and even some small but humanizing stuff, like letting bi and gay men donate blood like the rest of humanity, and making the bar safer for everyone.

    In addition to all the other stuff, like stopping the pandemic, pulling the economy out of a nosedive under Trump, reversing schedule F (think Trump’s version of Order 66) for federal employees who actually keep the lights on and the country going between multiple presidents, forgiving tons of student loans, and curtailing the damage from abortion being revoked where he can.

    Not to mention his accomplishments on background checks for guns, pardoning federal Marijuana offenses, and slapping the dogshit out of Russia via our friends and allies. ❤️

    Edit: Damn, there’s actually a list of accomplishments. He’s done a lot of good shit even if he’s kind of a bad public speaker.


    • We cannot allow perfect to be the enemy of good. Governments move slowly, especially the US, so moving the needle a little bit this year will let us move it a little more next year. Gradually, funding environmental progress becomes more and more normal, and greater and greater actions to deal with climate change become acceptable. All great accomplishments started with a proverbial “pissing in the ocean” if you look back far enough in their development.

      Let’s also be clear that the only alternative to Biden that exists, for the 2024 US election, under the current US voting system, would be far worse than Biden in every environmental category. It’s important to push back on the bad, but it’s even more important to promote the good work done by his administration, no matter how small of a good we think it is in the moment. If all we do is gripe about the bad, we’re helping every wealthy oligarch that wants us to think of governments as impotent and useless while they burn the planet to the ground.

      • I totally agree, this is just my thoughts on why. I vibe on the sunny side of the pond, but we are terrified to what donald can do to foreign policies- we are not yet prepared to handle our security our selves

  • Sure he’s got climate wins, but some of the wins are questionable, like giant hydrogen hubs. Hydrogen sounds great on the surface, but the more you dig into it, the more issues crop up. Some of these hubs will end up producing hydrogen by burning fossil fuels, and that isn’t a win at all. And speaking of not winning, we are producing more oil and natural gas than ever before. That’s why we aren’t excited about his “Climate Wins”, they are offset if not overcome by losses.

    Having said that, regarding the Climate, pollution, and everything related, Trump is the worst choice. He’s already promised Carte Blanche to oil execs if they donate to his campaign. (Not in those words of course, simpler, more incoherent ones.)