how easy is it to install arch? (no anarchy/archinstall)

  • Easy if you go step by step and don’t accidentally skip anything. Archinstall will get you to the same result with lower risk of failure, in a tenth of the amount of time spent. And unless you install operating systems for a living, it doesn’t matter how you get there. Source: Installed Arch on about a dozen different devices, twice without Archinstall.

    If you’re looking to learn something, do Linux from Scratch instead. The process is way more granular, way more documented, and way more educational than parroting the steps of installing Arch from the wiki.

  • As a very long time Arch user I wouldn’t say “easy” like everyone else seems to. I absolutely would not suggest it for a first distro for someone, which is what I would classify as the “easy” level.

    But if you’re comfortable with using Linux, the terminal, and being able to follow written documentation you’ll be able to do it just fine maybe with a little frustration the first time. If you’re installing to a laptop, make sure to look up your model on the wiki first.

    • Honesty I found gentoo more easy to install then arch. Mainly because the Gentoo handbook is soo good and is in laid out in a good order. Compare that to the arch wiki that has a ton of sub pages and redirects. Which is just a load harder to follow.

      PS. This is before their was a guided installer for arch.

  • Easy or not depends vary wildly. But the usual task is

    • partition the drive
    • format the drive
    • mount the drive
    • install the base system

    That is the bare minimum, but we need to do more configuration to be able to boot. Hence the next task is configuring the following

    • fstab
    • timezone, hostname, and networking
    • boot loader (I just use the EFI directly nowadays)

    That is it. Everything else is usually work specific. Like, if you wanted arch to be a server, you usually didn’t install a GUI. For workstation and gaming, you need more steps but it will vary depending on hardware. The archwiki covers a good deal of hardware from laptop to desktop and their quirks.

  • Practice in a VM and see for yourself! I did that, set everything up, and ultimately decided it was more system admin detail than I wanted to take on. But as far as ease goes, it’s not especially hard, there’s just not much in the way of hand-holding or preset configs, and you’ll likely find there’s a lot of preinstalled drivers and things you take for granted.

  • In general, I would say it’s not hard, but it’s not easy.

    When I did it, I had some moderate Linux experience but I was by no means an expert. I did a few practice runs on a VM and made myself a runbook before I completed the install on my real computer. This allowed me to get a real sense for what I was doing and what each step did, exactly. When I ran into differences on my actual computer, the time I spent researching and doing it on the VM helped me to overcome any confusion and complete the install successfully. The wiki has all the information you need.

    So, from beginning to end, I spent a weekend on it, including the few dry runs I did on the VM and configuring my system after the actual install was complete. If you’re not already quite familiar with Linux, I think it’s wise to do it this way because you build in time to learn, as opposed to just getting a working system as quickly as possible.

  • archinstall is easy. The hard part about arch is maintaining it and keeping up to date with linux innovation. As long as you keep reading forum posts and news about linux and browse the arch wiki, there’s nothing wrong with it. If you do not ever read about advances on linux, then don’t use arch.

  • It’ll depend a lot on your experience. I can just install Arch without reading the wiki at all in about 5 minutes for something fairly vanilla. If you’re comfortable with Linux then following the wiki won’t be too hard, took me maybe 2-3 hours on my first install before I had my DE and everything all set up (12 years ago). If you’ve never used Linux before and take the deep dive then it could take hours and days depending on how fast you can absorb all that information.

    “Easy” is very subjective, there’s stuff that’s so dumbed down for the sake of “easy” that it makes my life harder when I need to do more complex stuff. I know people for whom linear algebra in 11 dimensions is easy for them to do and solve. Easy is relative to your own personal experience level and what you’re trying to accomplish.

    Install it in a VM as a test run, you’ll see by yourself.

  • It’s as easy as following any set of instructions. Whether or not you actually understand what the instructions are doing is an entirely different story. If you actually want to learn how to operate a posix system, doing a bunch of command line installs of Linux isn’t going to help you with that. What will help is living in something with excellent documentation like OpenBSD, with minimal reliance on external tooling. Once you have the skills, they’ll transfer anywhere.

  • i can do it on about 15 minutes without the wiki for a fairly basic install

    and then about 30 minutes to set up sway how i want, install common software i like, etc

    but for a more complex setup it will take longer and i will need to check the wiki

  • It’s better than it used to be. It might still require some basic cli skills. Especially formatting disks and mount points. And file system types. Etc.

    I know manjaro makes it even easier.