• Not even remotely true. This has been being discussed for decades, and many experts have concluded that Israel’s actions both during the Nakba and subsequently meet the definition of genocide.

          Here’s an examination of the many different arguments around this by the Center for Constitutional Rights, from 2016, concluding that scholars and human rights legal experts have identified Israeli actions as genocide (as well as other international crimes) for a long time.

  • I find it suspicious that they don’t say how many of the 90 casualties are children and seem to imply that it’s not the majority.

    If it was actually a school, you’d expect it to be 80+ children.

    If they manage to hit 90 people at a school and say 60 of them were adults, then it was definitely Hamas using children as human shields again.

    I suspect it’s the later, but id love to see the actual numbers.

    Edit: I found more info, the school wasn’t being used as a school at all. It had been turned into a shelter a while ago. So the fact that the article is talking about the destruction of education is just patently false.