•  Username   ( @Username@lemmy.ca ) 
      122 months ago

      Some of them don’t make sense.

      “Focus on the who, where, when and what of your work” – is somebody out there working but forgetting to focus on the who, where, when and what of it? What are ya talking about?

  •  BearOfaTime   ( @BearOfaTime@lemm.ee ) 
    2 months ago

    Consolidate all meetings to 1 day per week

    Op must live in a very different works from me. I have project meetings all the time, and they’re very productive, with no overlap in subjects. On average, I have 16 hrs of meetings a week - there’s simply no way to have them in one day, nevermind trying to force everyone else onto my schedule. And I’m a technical person - it’s just that my input is needed on several project teams.

    But it’s still good general advice - ensure that the meetings you do have are required and run well.

    • Cramming as many meetings as possible in a single day is terrible advice for sure. Your focus will rapidly decrease after two hours. Add another two hours and you’ll become the reason the meeting was useless.

    • I think they meant the general meetings that are held everyday without a clear agenda just for the sake of having those meetings. These exist unfortunately and while it makes sense to get the team together every so often, this can easily be done in a slightly longer, weekly meeting.

      I know what I’m talking about because I’m suffering from these dumb daily meetings. They’re unproductive as shit and they mess with my schedules. Do this once a week and have the boss update the agenda every time. And for the love of all that is good, someone please take notes. If there’s no protocol, then nothing of value was created.

  • Your #1 is probably the only habit on this list that is by far the most important.

    If everything you do for work or relaxation revolves around alcohol then there is a high likelihood that you will compromise yourself for alcohol or you will surround yourself with people who will compromise themselves for alcohol. And if they are able to handle their drinks at a younger age, it gets harder to deal with as we age.

    Personally I’m 25 years sober now and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my life so far because I’m sober. My troubles often seem to start when I drift towards people who want to center their lives around alcohol or the next drink.

  • I agree with and practice all of these when feasible.

    However, that meeting one is in no way, shape or form feasible. I have meetings with people whose workday ends at 10 AM my time, and people whose workday starts at 4 PM my time.

    If I only had meetings in the afternoon one day a week, I’d be having them with myself AND miss all the important meetings where stuff actually got decided. An agenda wouldn’t matter too much then….