I’m a fullstack web dev with 7 years of experience, and been casually searching for the past year or so, but most applications don’t go anywhere, when I’ve had no problems with resumes in the past.

How have your experiences been, anyone having any better luck?

  • 10+ YoE here.

    Companies’ hiring processes have become very slow. I applied and got interviews with 4 companies. I only got offers from 2 of them because the others were so slow. Meta was the slowest, 6 months to first interview.

    That said, the offers were $800k/yr and $500k/yr total comp so I can’t complain. The catch was mandatory in-office in downtown SF. I’d have to move. It was a hard decision if I’m being honest.

  • It was fairly quiet for a long time, one or two years at least, but as of a few weeks ago it seems that hordes of recruiters are at large again. That’s in Western Europe as a senior SRE, so YMMV.

    • Similar observation here, after 7 months of absolute hell of financial difficulties and humiliation forcing me to move back in with my folks I literally went to having a possibility of overemployment or being picky again literally over a couple of weeks which also gives me hope that compensation will finally start to catch up to the inflation.
      Wonder why is that, but I would guess it might be that overzealous layoffs motivated by short-term bump in stock price started backfiring, especially considering the maintainability of so many, many commercial projects where turnover absolutely does not help.

      Though I wouldn’t count my chickens before they hatch, the system is abso-fucking-lutely not rational and the global economy is on a path of going from crisis to crisis.

  • 9 year full stack/mobile dev here. Got caugt up in the layoffs last year and it took nearly 10 months to find work thos past January. At one point, I went 6 months without even a response. It’s anecdotal, but multiple recruiters have told me that companies are utilizing AI to auto-reject all but the unicorn resumes.

  • I started a contract role 3 months ago after 8 months off with 3.5 YoE. It was my third hunt and by far the hardest. With my other searches lasting 4 weeks and 4 months respectively.

    Honestly pretty done with layoffs at this point.

  • 10 years of sys admin/dev ops, got a full redundancy package September last year. Market was really hot at the time, but I wanted some time off due to health stuff. Since the start of the year it’s been pretty dead, there are some positions here and there but the interest is way way less than it was even at the start of my career.