• Man, this situation is fucking rough.

    We all want the same thing: Continuation of democracy by ensuring Trump never touches office again.

    But… Biden is obviously a qualified politician, a sitting incumbent which boosts his chances of keeping the job, and doing everything he can to be a good leader. On the other hand… I mean, we all know how things ended with Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She was one of the best Supreme Court Justices ever, and because she did EXACTLY what Biden is doing now and held onto the job even when it might not be appropriate to do so… Well, that’s how we got Amy Coney-Barrett, a hard right supreme court, and the complete ruination of everything good that RBG ever did, all over that one mistake.

    If replacing Biden with someone else was obviously possible, it would be a no-brainer. But… IS it possible to do that without giving Trump exactly the opportunity he needs?

    It’s a hell of a decision. One that might not even have a right choice.

    • Except that’s not how Presidental succession works. If Biden dies, Harris gets the job, not a lifetime GOP yes-woman like Amy Coney-Barrett. The RBG comparison makes no sense.

      Replacing the incumbent Presidental candidate a few months before the election is political suicide. No election has ever been won that way, and it’s sure as fuck not a good time to start experimenting with bizarre and dangerous ideas.

      • Can you explain how you think Biden can win this race?

        Hes down 10-15% in the same polls from 4 years ago, hes getting killed in the press, and everytime he goes in front of a camera he reminds people that hes in cognitive decline.

        How can the Biden campaign pull off the greatest comeback in political history?

        Running a new candidate might be a bizarre and dangerous idea, but the current path leads directly to a Trump reelection.

    • That doesn’t give the same click inducing headlines though. Sewing doubt and spreading bullshit, however, drives up their ad revenue. All these so called polling numbers are fucking made up.

  • So many folks in here immediately jumping to “well Trump does the same thing but worse!” as soon as any question about whether Biden can win is raised, like asking if the candidate will actually appeal to the broadest swath of America is the first step on the slippery slope to becoming authoritarian. When did “Vote Blue no matter who” turn into “Biden is our only hope”? The people questioning Bidens ability to win aren’t thinking about switching their vote off the blue ticket, they’re looking at the data that suggests even with the Democratic base voting blue, it won’t be enough to defeat Trump and are trying to think about how to expand and energize support for Democratic ticket.

    The fact is Biden has been even with Trump in national polls for months and has been losing in swing states. Trump’s base isn’t budging and based on the fact that Biden’s abysmal debate performance didn’t move the needle it’s obvious that the Democratic base isn’t budging either. So the only movement that is going to happen in this race are swing voters and enthusiasm.

    If Biden is going to run, great, I’d love to see him fucking do it! Because if his campaign is gonna be up this once a week, tightly controlled appearance bullshit, he is absolutely going to lose and will moreover drag the house and Senate down with him. If he can’t turn things around, it’s time to let someone else do it.

    It’s true that we’ve never seen a party win that changed candidates this late in the election cycle, but it is equally true that an incumbent president that has an approval rating as low as Biden’s has ever won reelection. If the Democratic party is going to win in November, one of those precedents is going to be broken; people are just trying to figure out which one will be easier to break.