Gardeners are being urged to mow ‘uneven’ strips into their lawns this summer for a stark reason.

No Mow May is long since finished and gardeners across the UK have been breaking out the lawnmowers through various times in June and July - at leat, when the torrid wet weather has allowed.

But the ‘catch all’ approach of just marching onto the lawn and mowing the whole thing to one length is soon to be a thing of the past.

  •  BarqsHasBite   ( ) 
    2 months ago

    This mixture of different lengths is the best thing for the environment outside of No Mow May because it gives different insects different advantages, creating a mixture of wildlife far removed from stale monocultures.

    Insect populations are down by as much as 60 to 80 percent in the UK in the past 20 years, according to studies, so anything we can do in our gardens to give them a helping hand is much needed for the future of food security and key pollinators in the food chain.

    Personally I think the last part has little to do with cities and more to do with what must be pesticides in farming.

  • I’m glad some municipalities in the Netherlands started doing this a few years ago. Near intersections they cut it short so people can see other cars and bicyclists approaching. But near the woods and not near intersections they let it grow for a while and don’t cut it to the ground.