With all the negative stuff going on (Trump’s failed assassination) and everything, it is natural to get absorbed in the doomerism. Of course, pretending that nothing scary is happening isn’t the best thing to do. Scary stuff is happening, and we need to take action.

That being said, I personally trust Americans to do the right thing. Trump won’t win, and America won’t go fascist. This is because good people will fight and win. Same goes with other countries (France and the UK for example).

Leaving politics aside, there’s a lot of hope ahead. Science and Tech is advancing, life expectancy is increasing, investment in transit is increasing, countries r going greener, etc. Many cancer therapies r coming out (see the cancer vaccines for instance). Many cities have done some much needed land rezoning, due to which affordable housing will be a thing, 15 minute cities will be more and more common and so on.

The future is looking good, exciting stuff is happening and EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT.

Again, a little fear is good. Fear is what prevented early humans from being killed by predators, and it is what will prevent bad things from happening to us in the future. However, letting it consume our lives is a little counter intuitive.

    • If we did the right thing…

      • Columbine would be the one and ONLY school shooting.
      • 9/11 wouldn’t have led to security theater.
      • Police would be seen as a community good
      • The average American would have their basic needs met. Home. Food. Educational resources.
      • Healthcare wouldn’t be all levels of fucked up.
      • CEOs wouldn’t be getting 200-10000x more compensation than the average employee.
      • Companies would be punished for harming the environment.
      • The drug epidemic wouldnt have taken over many small towns and cities

      That’s just like 25 years.

    • Time and time again shows that this is false

      I trust my fellow GenZers in the US to get out n vote for our future. Every year millions of my GenZ siblings become eligible to vote. The American GenZ is the same generation that had to go through school shooting drills and in some cases, actual school shootings. They have seen their friends be hurt by conservative policies. I know they will make a difference in the elections to come.

  • We need to strike the right balance imho, putting our hope in solid things. Brexit happened in the UK, showing that “doing the right thing” isn’t always guaranteed, and yet despite their pain they are chugging along, and the USA will too, in some form or another. That said, avoiding Brexit definitely would have been a better outcome so… sometimes people should have more fear than they do, e.g. to not fall for obvious scams that can take everything you have.

    Be vigilant, and also protect your joy in living everyday life, bc at the end of the day that’s kinda all you have so don’t let it slip away with too many far-off thoughts that you have no control over.

    • Be vigilant, and also protect your joy in living everyday life, bc at the end of the day that’s kinda all you have so don’t let it slip away with too many far-off thoughts that you have no control over.

      True. It just feels so depressing on social media due to stuff like this. Do what needs to be done. There r many like u doing the same thing. U r not alone.

  • I don’t think I share a single ounce of your optimism about anything really but I wish I did. I find living in this age fucking exhausting. I’m glad I’m unlikely to have kids at this point because I wouldn’t want to put more human beings into the misery that is existence right now.

    But even then I’m glad there are some people out there capable of maintaining a positive outlook in the face of well… everything.

    • You probably typed this out on a supercomputer you took out of your pocket. Maybe you took a hot shower and slept in a bed last night? Shat on a toilet that went into a sewage system?

      Sometimes I think all the internet did was take all the people who would have been perfectly fine living a normal human life and turned them all into world news junkies focused on things that have almost nothing to do with us.

      • It’s pick your poison I suppose. I would personally have an easier time dealing with a lower quality of life than I do with constant oppressive existential dread and ceaseless hopelessness and anxiety, but Imagine it’s different for everyone.

          • I mean, I’m already not on any social media apart from Lemmy. I cultivate my subscriptions here carefully and typically avoid the /all feed. I try to limit my exposure to current events, but you can only bury your head in the sand so much. And even then, it’s not like the issues of the world go away just because I’m not looking at them. And consequently the anxiety doesn’t go away either. It’s possible to push out with temporary distractions, but that’s not really possible to maintain 24/7.

  • You know, this is a good thought for those who are overly anxious.

    Understand that for some of us who live in red states, Project 2025 is already being implemented in our states. The national stage isn’t doing anything to slow it down.

  • So many people’s instinctual response to somebody expressing a message of optimism and peace is to immediately start retaliating with all of the things that cause them anxiety and grief.

    Sometimes you just got to put all that shit down and take a breath.

  • I echo all of this, but with an important caveat, that together we can change things for the better. Don’t let our fear crumple us into not acting at all, but instead focusing on what needs to be done. We should all be resolute in making a better tomorrow, and that means showing up at every election, every option we have to voice our opinions. The only reason one side shows up everywhere is because they are the loudest. We have to prove that we are the silent majority, we must show up in November, and every federal, state, and local election.

    • Don’t let our fear crumple us into not acting at all, but instead focusing on what needs to be done.

      Perfectly said! No need to be all sad n depressed (like I was today) due to events like these. Do what needs to be done. Know that u r not alone in doing this. There r many many people working to make the world a better place. Have trust in them.

  • I half agree with you. I think it’s very naive to say that things will turn out okay in the short term with respect to one specific event like an election. There’s simply not enough reason to say that with any certainty.

    But the broader point that things will be okay in the medium to long term, I do agree with. Things have a way of sorting themselves out, if not to a better state, then to at least a less intense one.