[Idea] If you don’t want to see huge flags taking space over actual drawings in the Canvas, pick the biggest flag that you can find to deface.

As long as a lot of people are doing that, the ones templating larger flags will be forced to reduce their layouts and give more room for actual drawings.

[Reasoning] When it comes to country flags, I think that the immense majority of the users can be split into four groups:

  1. The ones who don’t want to see country flags at all.
  2. The ones who are OK with smaller flags, but don’t want to see larger ones.
  3. The ones who want to see a specific large flag taking a huge chunk of space.
  4. The ones who want to see the whole canvas burning, like the void.

I’m myself firmly rooted into #1, but this idea is a compromise between #1, #2 and #4.

Typically #3 uses numbers (and/or bots) to seize a huge chunk of the canvas to their flags. Well, let’s use numbers against it then. As long as #1, #2 and #4 are trying to wreck the same flag, we win.


But what about identity flags?

Not a problem. They’re typically bands instead of thick squares, and people drawing them are fairly accommodating.

But what about [insert another thing]

Even if [thing] is a problem, it’s probably minor in comparison with huge country flags.

What should be the template?

None. We don’t need one, as long as everyone is working against the same large flag.

Just draw something of your choice over the flag, preferably over its iconic features.

But I’m not creative enough for that!

No matter how shitty your drawing is, it’s probably still way more original than a country flag. So don’t feel discouraged.

That said, you can always help someone else with their drawing. Or plop in some text. Or just void.

Why are you posting this now, you bloody Slowpoke?

I wish that I thought about this before Canvas 2024. But better later than never. (And better early by a year for Canvas 2025.)

EDIT: addressing on general grounds some whining from group #3 (the ones who want to see a specific large flag taking a huge chunk of the canvas space).

You do realise that this sort of “war against the largest flag” should benefit even you, as long as the biggest flag is not the one you’re working with, right? Even for you, this makes the canvas a more even level field. Let us not forget that you love to cover other flags with your own.

  • Please don’t. The Aussie flag will likely be the largest, and it will have art on it next year (not like this year where we accepted art, next year it will be on the template.) It also allowed art this year. There is no reason to be an asshole and ruin stuff for no good reason.

    • There is no reason to be an asshole and ruin stuff for no good reason.

      Except when it’s a rainbow, a flag of another government, or Tux’s foot. Right? /s

      I’m not blaming specifically you eathan for this, before you jump to conclusions. But even you should acknowledge that the main sort of people “being an arsehole and ruining stuff for no good reason” are flag posters. And I would not be surprised if they were the major ones behind botting and multi-accounting too.

      Just keep it small.

        •  Lvxferre   ( @lvxferre@mander.xyz ) OP
          2 months ago

          You do have a lot of prejudices.

          Against who are you claiming that I have prejudice?

          inb4: my point remains the same regardless of the country flag in question. Be it the Australian flag, the German flag, French, Brazilian, Japanese, American, whatever.

      • We did not attack the rainbow, they are still here. The Brazilian flag was not attacked by an Aussie. Tux’s foot was over one of our star, sorry to the people who made it but we wanted our stars at the top of the flag (that was the only one we damaged)

        No alts were used (or if they were they did not do significant work as i only saw 3 or 4 accounts that did more than like 30px) and no bots were used.

        • The Brazilian flag was not attacked by an Aussie.

          After reading this, I probed a few pixels from 0,60 to 30,90. And I encourage others reading this to do the same.

          Do you perhaps identify yourself as something else than Australian?

          I also gave eco.br a check. I’ll translate the relevant comment, from three days ago, here:

          It’s some specific guy picking on us, some ethan guy. Yesterday I even made a heart to signal peace and he vandalised it again with an alt account in another browser, then there was no way to win.

          I wasn’t born yesterday. Based on the information publicly available, the only sane conclusion is that you’re lying.

          No alts were used (or if they were they did not do significant work as i only saw 3 or 4 accounts that did more than like 30px) and no bots were used.

          Given the above, your strong position against using IP to detect multi-accounting suddenly makes sense.

          Tux’s foot was over one of our star, sorry to the people who made it but we wanted our stars at the top of the flag

          “No, we don’t ruin stuff for no good reason! Uhm, errr, a star is totally a good reason!”

          I’ll address other people reading this, not the poster above.

          I don’t give a flying fuck about the Brazilian flag. For me it’s just Bourbon and Habsburg’s dirty undergarment on a pole. The situation would be the same with a green-yellow blob covering a red-blue smaller one.

          I’m using this here to highlight why those people are trying to dissuade us from playing the game, in spirit and rules, cooperating to curb down the size of large flags on any following edition of Canvas:

          It is not because they want to avoid “conflict” or “vandalism”. It’s simply because it contradicts their goals. “Rules for thee, but not for me” style.

          •  eatham 🇭🇲   ( @eatham@aussie.zone ) 
            2 months ago

            First, @ethan@aussie.zone is not me. Are you probing where the Brazil flag was? Because as of last Check, (6hr before canvas ended, I went to school for the rest) it was someone who had not worked anywhere else on the flag. I did not see a heart, could have been when I was offline or when working on perchance.

            I won’t be replying again. You are arguing stupidly, saying another account is me with no proof and probably probing off of the original Brazil flag.

            • First, @ethan@aussie.zone is not me.

              Yeah, nah, anyone reasonable would have reasonable doubts about your claim here.

              Even then, let’s bite. Let’s say that you and that other poster are different people. Even then you’re lying - through this comment chain you showed plenty signs of knowing who worked on the Australian flag, so when you’re claiming that “The Brazilian flag was not attacked by an Aussie”, you know that it is not true.

              Are you probing where the Brazil flag was?

              The general area should be (030),(6090) as stated in the earlier comment. If you want something more specific I don’t mind asking in eco.br.

              I won’t be replying again. You are arguing stupidly, saying another account is me with no proof and probably probing off of the original Brazil flag.


              • joined a thread clearly gathering people from groups that you do not belong to (namely: people who don’t want huge flags),
              • bossing people from that group from doing exactly the same as you flag posters do (to organise themselves),
              • avoided the main topic at hand (flag size),
              • went on a “chrust me” (babbling about your plans for the next Canvas - that don’t address the issue at hand on first place, so likely posted as a diversion tactic),
              • spewed some bullshit here and there…

              But yeah. I’m the one “arguing stupidly”, for not swallowing the bullshit. Riiiiiiight.

  •  Snoopy   ( @Snoopy@jlai.lu ) 
    112 months ago

    The point of flag is, that they are (usually) easier coordinate, draw and restore.

    I suppose they will alway start with the flag because it is our culture but also define a drawing zone.

    I disagree with any form of vadalism, but you may invit them drawing their monument :)

    •  Lvxferre   ( @lvxferre@mander.xyz ) OP
      2 months ago

      Due to the purpose of my post, I am focusing solely on the larger flags in the Canvas, a fact that you “conveniently” skipped past. And, instead of trying to proselytise my views, unlike you, I’m trying to gather people with common grounds, even with different views.

      So I’ll let my rambling against flags in general to another opportunity, and focus solely on the Canvas.

      The point of flag is, that they are (usually) easier [to] coordinate, draw and restore.

      In other words: they’re boring and unoriginal, and take space of things that actually take more effort and cooperation to pull out.

      I suppose they [who?] will alway[s] start with the flag because it is our culture but also define a drawing zone.

      Both points are red herrings and you likely know it.

      I disagree with any form of va[n]dalism,

      Cut off the bullshit.

      If you were actually concerned about vandalism you wouldn’t be defending country flags at all, given that they’re the major source of vandalism (more than the void).

      Pick a timelapse of the canvas and see it by yourself.

      but you may invit[e] them drawing their monument :)

      Or alternatively I could tell them that their “monument” (pfffttt… holy fuck calling a dirty flag a “monument” is hilariously cringey) is taking off too much space, and gather other like-minded people to do it.

      That is what I am doing here.

      You’re being at the very least disingenuous, if not worse, so I won’t waste my time further with you.

      • Well, i find your post very aggressive…

        i didn’t miss your point and wanted to put another point of view on how usefull flag are on a collaborative and competitive space.

        We got our 4 small flag erased because we were french.

        I noticed people start drawing flag, then draw something. Why ? Because it is visual. You are simply telling them : “We are this community, and here is our drawing area.”

        And yes there is conflit due to the lack of space and human ressource.

        It doesn’t dimiss you point, that’s just another point of view. You are right too.

        So from your stance we should erase the major flag : trans flag, germany and rainbow in the same way as Void that erased other people work ? What do you think it will happen ? What do you expect from attacking them ? A pixel war ?

        Will they understand your point ?

        That’s not fun. You can create a group, that’s a good idea. when the canva will start, go to their matrix room and suggest some drawing. But don’t attack them.

        Because if you attack them :

        • people won’t be creative and try to protect their flag. You won’t get any creativity except revenge : they stop drawing and fiqht you back. Unless you suggest them some drawing.
        • you may get a ban once notified
        • your fediverse id may be shared among other admins instance and get banned.
  • It did make me feel a bit gross that from the get-go the plan was for the Australian flag to take up such an enormous space.

    I’m satisfied with how things turned out, with art going all over the flag and the stars shining through, but it didn’t seem considerate in the beginning.

    •  Lvxferre   ( @lvxferre@mander.xyz ) OP
      2 months ago

      I’m satisfied with how things turned out, with art going all over the flag and the stars shining through, but it didn’t seem considerate in the beginning.

      It’s often like this, to give you a false impression of a compromise. I’ve seen it all the time in r/place, for example. (Doubly true in pixelplanet, but that’s… eh, let’s say that biggest drawing there is a swastika.)

      And typically, it goes like this:

      1. Claim a huge space of the canvas for the sake of the flag.
      2. Lay waste over whatever is in the middle of the way, be it drawings or flags from other herds.
      3. “Oh fuck, it’s too big for us to defend. People are drawing random stuff over it.”
      4. Eventually let the people drawing random stuff to do it, under the terms dictated by the flag itself. Under a discourse that sounds a lot like “this is the land of Our Holy Symbol. However, since we’re magnanimous, we shall turn a blind eye to your doodle defacing it.”
      5. [If applicable] Shift the blame of the step #2 on others. “Nooo, I didn’t do it. Others did.”

      Besides the façade of compromise, there’s also a second motivation for fourth last step: it’s a way to co-opt people drawing random stuff to protect the flag, as they likely care about the surroundings of their own drawings.

      Please do note, however, that people drawing those large flags do not want to reach an actual compromise. And playing nice (cooperation) only works if the other side is also playing nice - we shouldn’t be playing dove in a hawk-dove game.

        • Then IMO we should left the artwork alone but still pick on the flag. Specially on iconic parts, that are typically uncovered by artwork. (In the case of the Mexican flag it would be the eagle over the cactus)

  • I think the templates should be limited in size perhaps - if you look at the intended template location post from the other day, yes the Australian flag is significantly larger than the other submissions. However on the final canvas, people have drawn within the blue space of the flag which is actually quite cute. I don’t think ‘defacing’ is necessary, but rather a continuation of (at least what appears to me to be) a symbiosis where overlapping images work together.

    So I guess I’d like to see drawing accepted on top of any large continuous blocks of colour.

    P.s. I love what Canada did - the outline on top of the flag looks really cool!

    • I’m not quite sure I follow your reasoning here. You’re saying that people shouldn’t be proud of things that they have no control over? As a gay guy, should I not be able to put up a pride flag?

      There’s a ton of symbolism/meaning there, and doesn’t always mean blind devotion to a country.

      • imo grouping ppl into nations (and thus states) is usually harmful. Ethnicity and culture are not synonymous with states which only exist for one class to oppress another (virtually always in favour of the rich)

        The concept of a nation is one of the initial lies of ruling elites. The exploiters and oppressors have shouted since the dawn of time: “Don’t look at this massive ravine dividing us into materially opposing classes, we are all members of this abstract notion of a nation, remember? Direct your hate towards the exploited ppl of other nations, they are the source of “our” problems, even though you are much more aligned with them materially!”

        For example: I wouldn’t have a problem with ppl painting flags of progressive movements or states where the working classes are in power

        EDIT: changed first sentence to a more accurate definition of a state (still basic)

        • I agree that nationalism is extremely dangerous. But I feel like a flag isn’t ‘owned’ by a nation, it can be an abstract concept that represents different things depending on the context. I get the feeling that the users that drew flags for this Canvas do not think their respective governments are perfect, or happily bow down to the rich. It’s more complex than that.

      • Being gay, or any other actual identity, is an intrinsic part of who you are that would still be true if all of society’s constructs were to fall away. You’d still be interested, presumably, in people who presented in what we currently associate with masculine appearances. Trans folk would still be trans. POC, still POC.

        Your home country doesn’t hold up to the same rigour. I think that’s the idea? Its less a “part of you” and more a “circumstance of your conception”. But hey.

        • This is succinctly put - thanks for explaining it in this way. Yes, I agree that sexuality is a part of me whereas a nation you were born into is more of an external circumstance that can change in meaning. I do think that a nation’s flag can hold different meanings and representations for people though.

          • I don’t necessarily disagree with you, and I can certainly understand that from the perspective of nations that are currently being oppressed or suffering great hardships it might be a unifying symbol that helps people to find light in the darkness. I’m not sure I can see a huge argument for an Australian flag that covers 1/20th of the canvas, however. But to your original point, I see where you’re coming from about these nations flags having other potential symbolism.

    • Frankly, ditto. And it’s icky for me specially when people conflate country with culture, like those people rather consistently do.

      And… like, I get that we [people in general] get spammed by our governments with ideology, in order to ditch all available identities that we have at our disposal, and adopt the country-based identity that benefits the government. It’s more often than not fuel for oppression.

        • I’m aware of the oath of allegiance, and that it’s an oath to a flag. On its own, this sounds ridiculous already - a symbol for another symbol, just like Brazil’s hymn to the flag.

          But being forced to recite it at the start of the day is news for me, and throws the “disgusting” factor up the roof. Even if it was with adults, and not reciting it was only socially awkward, it would be already a clear violation of consent. Swap the adults with kids and have their superiors (the school staff) forcing them to do so, and it gets way worse.

          This also shows really well that a flag is not the symbol of a population, it’s the symbol of a government. Otherwise it wouldn’t make sense to require to have them to pledge allegiance.

          Sadly, I don’t think that the US government is special in this aspect. Governments are like this.

            • Come to think of it, the national anthem is also about the flag. We have a real fetish for cloth crafting.

              Acc. to a map that I found it’s relatively uncommon, but it does pop up for other governments (mostly Albania, Somalia, Switzerland, Turkey). So… yeah, your power structure does have a fetish for cloth crafting.

              (Most other countries anthems talk about killing, self-references, or worship some individual. In the meantime almost none talks about friendship, and based on this map none seems to acknowledge that the world is not just the territory controlled by its government.)

              • There are some progressive battle anthems/hyms or some with a battle theme in a part of them and they still espouse friendship between the working peoples of this world! (though that’s usually the case for (used to be) socialist music) “The Internationale”, Vietnam’s anthem, “Auferstanden aus Ruinen” and ofc USSR’s anthem come to mind

                What I mean to say is that violence can be liberatory instead of oppressive (like in the case of Vietnam)

  • The flaw in the plan is that three or four large-flag cadres could conspire to support each other and overwhelm a protest.

    Ultimately, flags are just symbols similar to any other logo. But I’d still prefer just to see them banned from Canvas rather see Canvas turn into an r/place arms race.

    • Sorry for the double reply. Another thing that I realised in the meantime is that people working on flags won’t be willing to divert time too much time to undo defacement of another flag. So as long as we concentrate our efforts towards a single flag, the opposition of other flag-posters will be spotty at best.

    • That flaw is an issue, indeed. And it’s worth thinking on ways to reduce it.

      However, there are two things in our side:

      1. the proportion of people holding critic and informed views about flags on Canvas is likely way higher than in r/place.
      2. due to the nature of the symbol in question (country flags), herds of “large-flaggers” will likely have trouble coordinating with each other.

      Ultimately, flags are just symbols similar to any other logo.

      Emphasis mine. I get your reasoning here and I agree with it; it’s just that those specific symbols are egregiously problematic in this sort of “collab+compete Paint simulator”.

    • could we incorporate artwork over the flag like it happened with the Australian flag?

      My main idea is to deface the flag, so I’d ask people to not integrate the artwork. But if you do integrate the artwork I’d ask people to leave it alone and focus on the flag itself, so it would be safe.