She’s written exclusively in The Sun, which I’ve left out the URL field because it’s The Sun. Here’s what she wrote:

We cannot pretend everything is OK. Not when criminal gangs are making millions out of dangerous small boat crossings that undermine our border security and put lives at risk.

We have directed Immigration Enforcement to intensify their operations over the summer, with a focus on employers who are fuelling the trade of criminal gangs by exploiting and facilitating illegal working here in the UK – including in car washes and in the beauty sector.

And we are drawing up new plans for fast track decisions and returns for safe countries.

Most people in this country want to see a properly controlled and managed asylum system, where Britain does its bit to help those fleeing conflict and persecution, but where those who have no right to be in the country are swiftly removed.

  • At a time of rising prices and cost of living pressures, I like my local £5 hand car wash and I’m not particularly curious about the immigration status of the guys that work there.

    The solution to illegal immigration is to create far easier routes for legal immigration, so that the service sector can recruit the workers it needs to provide the services the public want at the prices we expect - not headlining-obsessed political clampdowns that just drive migrants even further into the arms of criminal gangs and drive up prices.

    There are people who want to come to Britain and work, there are businesses that want to employ them, and there are customers who want to pay affordable prices - Nigel Farage and the Sun are nowhere in that triangle so the government really shouldn’t be kowtowing to their opinions.

    •  Baggins   ( ) 
      32 months ago

      Nigel Farage and the Sun are nowhere in that triangle so the government really shouldn’t be kowtowing to their opinions.>

      I don’t see where they are kowtowing to Frog Faced Farage.

      • I don’t see where they are kowtowing to Frog Faced Farage.

        Then you missed the part where she’s prattling on about illegal immigration and directing Immigration Enforcement to go harass a bunch of small businesses, instead of just making legal immigration easier. We’ve had 14 years of Tory home secretaries creating an insane mess of red tape and bureaucracy as obstacles to an act that ought to be quite simple and practical - Labour need to correct this, not lean into it.

        •  Baggins   ( ) 
          2 months ago

          Make legal immigration easier by all means, but that doesn’t mean you automatically give everyone here illegally a free pass. Going after those that exploit those that want a better (and safer) life is the right way to go.

  • Yeah, there’s a lot of concern about nail bars and car washes - it’s possible some working there are under a kind of indentured servitude or just plain slavery, and car washes in particular are known for being used for money laundering (no pun intended).

    • Are you aware of how many car washes have been implicated in human trafficking and modern slavery? It’s a largely cash-based business and a lot of the workers are there against their will.