• I’m sort of intrigued how they got the startup funding.

    You’re building a retail business around a meme. Even in the best possible case, you have a couple years of relevance to pay down the debt.

    It’s brick-and-mortar, with real inventory, not like just online drop-shipping stuff silkscreened on demand, so the overhead is pretty high.

    If a bank financed any of this nonsense, I want to know so we can send the FDIC Shock Troops in to find out what other stupid shit they’re doing with depositor money.

    •  Asafum   ( @Asafum@feddit.nl ) 
      2 months ago

      It kinda was a sports thing lol

      idk if you actually looked up it’s origins, but for anyone curious there was a NASCAR winner “Brandon” I forgot his last name, but he was being interviewed after the race and everyone in the background was shouting “fuck Joe Biden” (because they’re sheep, wtf does Biden have to do with anything in that moment?) so the interviewer possibly trying to cover for the network since you can’t exactly go cursing on there says (paraphrasing) “they must be saying let’s go Brandon!”

      Naturally MAGA morons took that as “ThE mAiNsTrEaM mEdIa iS cEnSoRiNg Us! ThEy’Re CoVeRiNg FoR BiDeN! FaKe NeWs!” So now let’s go Brandon means fuck Joe Biden and also hints to msm manipulation.

      It’s also a perfect example of how they NEED to be part of a tribe. That phrase includes you in the tribe if you use it with others that “know.”