Fringe religious conservatives melted down Friday night over the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics, decrying the spectacle as “Satantic.”

The phase “mocking god” trended on social media following the opening ceremonies, which included drag performers and a singing — beheaded — Marie Antoinette.

“BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS” wrote @online_shogun along with a short clip showing drag queens in colorful costumes at the ceremony. “This filth is a slap in the face of all Christians. I reject this from every fiber of my being. You Moloch worshipping scum, you are mocking God, and for this you will be punished. As long as faithful people are here to reject f–otry and blasphemy, God.”

The post quickly gained traction, along with others.

“One day every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. One day every knee will bow. Mocking God is the height of foolishness,” wrote @TJMoe28.

“My opinion and I’m entiltled to it! Mocking God, never ever ends well… ILY” wrote @Wonderwpatriot7.

“If the Olympics are going Satanic and mocking god, they might actually be worth watching this year,” chimed in @ericlahti1.

In particular, they are losing their shit over a drag queen parody of the Last Supper as well as other “Satanic” motifs:

The opening ceremony of the Olympics is not even hiding the satanic rituals anymore.

There is no longer anything hidden in plain sight.

These are the demonic dark forces of Satan who want to eclipse the light.

You can already see:

  • Skulls
  • Motifs of death
  • Satanic red lighting
  • Children trapped in tunnels

Did anyone notice that the single rider on a pale horse is straight out of the Book of Revelation?

edit: Previously: Swiss right seeks to block Eurovision’s ‘celebration of satanism and occultism’

  • It’s fun to watch all the horrible religious missionary type people and tongue-amputators outing themselves like flies to a honeypot.

    People be trying sooo hard to sound like Gul Darheel the Butcher, ‘scum’ this ‘i’ll make you bow’ that, lol!

    Alsoooooooo. . People depict the last supper all the time. This isn’t pakistan - there’s no death sentence for imitation.

    Unless you wanna go around lynching and yellow-badge-registrar’ing every four year old child who ever copycatted a religious painting in badly scribbled crayon.

  •  Flax   ( ) 
    2 months ago

    I wonder what would have happened had they done the same thing with Islam.

    But seriously, I don’t think people realise that having a drag queen re-enactment of the last supper, one of the most sacred scenes in the Bible, is simply going to embolden Christians more to push away any form of integration or acceptance with the LGBT community. Like, doing stuff like this is basically asking for a negative pushback.

      •  Flax   ( ) 
        22 months ago

        Generally stuff like this commonly gets a backlash, but basically everyone I know of was watching the opening ceremony as many do every year, so obviously people are going to notice when you mock Christianity on a global scale when everyone is watching

              •  Flax   ( ) 
                12 months ago

                Then why should we care about offending those who not only deny the true reality, but are constantly attacking us for our beliefs, wanting us to change our message to fit their worldview and their morality which is subjective and push for previously unthinkable things to become more and more acceptable every decade?

                If we truly hated you, we wouldn’t be telling you about Who we believe is the way to eternal life. We’d keep it as a secret to ourselves so you can suffer for eternity.

                • Please grow up and become a bit more introspective.

                  The reason you guys always try to proselytize because it earns you points to get into the exclusive sky club. I was once a true believer, and I realized that everyone was out for their own satisfaction and superiority over others who are not in the in club.

                  It’s your own personal beliefs, don’t try and make anyone else’s. If you truly are a Christian, be more Christian-like.

                  Christians have caused incredible amounts of damage, in so many awful ways, which always gets the no-true-Scotsman defense. It seems to happen so very often, maybe it’s time to look at why.

                  “True Reality”… this is a phrase. I’ll tend to see with people who see the world in black-and-white. Like there is only one way to do everything in the world.

    •  millie   ( ) 
      2 months ago

      Yeah! Everybody knows Jesus didn’t hang out with the people society rejected and denigrated! He certainly wasn’t hanging out with prostitutes or poor people or outcasts! He was all about maintaining the social order and keeping the Pharisees happy! That’s why he was nice enough to help the money changers set back up in the temple after some whack job came in and tossed their tables all over the place!

      Next you’ll start in on some leftist propaganda about how people deserve to eat and have medical care. You think Jesus would, what, hand you some fish and bread and heal your leprosy? You better be able to pay! Inns ain’t cheap around here!

      I did hear of a pretty reliable source of silver, though…

                •  millie   ( ) 
                  2 months ago

                  Fuck it, I’ll bite. Y’all are obsessed with Old Testament ceremonial law. You’re basically Pharisees. The only mention of anything remotely approaching anything we’d lump under the queer umbrella in the New Testament is when Paul is describing how the Romans are different from the Hebrews and happens to mention the sexual nature of some of the relationships common between Roman men. It’s a discussion of contrast, not a condemnation.

                  Let’s look at Jesus’ track record, shall we?

                  Here’s a guy who famously has no patience for the status quo or for authoritarian hierarchy. He literally says he came with a flaming sword and his opponents were the people in charge who were obsessed with meaningless rules and deference to corrupt power. To put it in Buddhist terms, he was trying to shake up the tendency to stare mindlessly at the finger instead of looking at the moon. I know; just Google it.

                  Dude was a proto-anarchist. He would have had zero patience for your hand wringing about people wearing clothes that you don’t like. He probably would be in this thread giving you shit if he wasn’t too busy with feet on the ground trying to shake down the establishment.

                  I have never understood how y’all are so into this guy who’s about radical autonomy and acceptance and universal love and forgiveness and yet you seem to entirely miss the plot and literally laser focus on the rules used in the same story to justify nailing him to piece of wood.

                  Jesus would probably be at a drag show. Just not one for rich tourists who care more about spectacle than the negative impact of the Olympics on literally every host city.

                  He’d be condemning bigotry, not standing beside it.

    • What would happen if they did it with Islam? The same mental illness but instead with more violence.

      I mean south park had to take an episode down making fun of Islam because of death threats.

      I don’t seem to recall them having to do it for any of the countless episodes (rightfully) making fun of Christianity. So there’s definitely something differnt going on there.

      My thing is though if these Almighty gods (or the almighty god depending on who you ask) really didn’t like to be made fun of couldn’t they just, you know, take care of that?

      I mean hey man one fiery head in the sky speaking demands for like, 20 seconds of time is all it would take. Boom. Suddenly everyone is on the same page.

      But nah, god is a trickster and wants to make you pass tests for his amusement like a rat in a lab. Difference being the almighty god of course knows the results of the test anyway so really just makes you do it for his own enjoyment.

      Religion is a disease. It deserves to be made fun of.

      •  Flax   ( ) 
        12 months ago

        They will take care of it. The Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming.

        Also the fiery demands thing won’t work, as God was literally leading the Israelites out of Egypt like that, then Moses was like “I’m gonna climb this mountain, don’t worship false gods when I’m gone” and guess what they did

        Again, I don’t know what tests you are talking about - you aren’t saved by your works but by a relationship with Christ alone.

        If it’s okay to make fun of diseases, then you’re opening a can of worms here.

        • sure I know the story of that book humans wrote and what it says and I’m telling you that’s wrong.

          If a fiery head appeared in the sky and rumbled the earth with his mighty voice and demands and every camera and human eye saw it on the earth at the same time (I mean it is God right? Should be doable) then nah, no one is gonna dispute that.

          You’re taking stories that have never actually happened and saying they are the truth. I could do the same with the hundreds of religious texts that predate the bible by centuries but that wouldn’t make that true either.

          Also, if god knows that a person will remain wicked forever why does he keep them here to live a full life? And in turn, if he thinks they might change wouldn’t that be a test?

          •  Flax   ( ) 
            12 months ago

            People believe the earth is flat despite seeing pictures of it from space lmao. People also smoke cigarettes knowing it’s going to ruin their lives and people also destroy their lives with drugs and alcohol.

            • I love how you equate these things which people do because it makes them feel good to a giant head of fire in the sky lmao. One of those isn’t like the other.

              And as far as the flat earthers go, exactly. That’s the same sort of blind belief that is at play with religion except one can actually be disproven.

              Just seems like this god dude could sort a lot of shit out and end the pain and suffering in the world but doesn’t do it for some reason. And yes I know I know, some woman ate an apple and then some dude did too so that’s why we’re all tortured forever.

              What an awesome god.

  • This is one of the few opening ceremony that i find very interesting and fun to watch. Plus, when i think about it, it convey well the motto of France: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. A good trolling for the anti-woke imo.