•  Jo Miran   ( @JoMiran@lemmy.ml ) 
    2 months ago

    I split my time between Florida and Wyoming. I also don’t fly so I drive between them through the “red heart” on the country. I see very little enthusiasm for Trump. Sure, I hear a lot of grumbling, and I am sure the Republicans will go out and vote en masse, but not because they love what Trump is selling. They just don’t want to lose.

    No fucking way they rise up for a civil war.

    • Not an American so I have no idea, but could that be the reason they want the revolution? As far as I understand first past the post, it usually means fighting over the center. The Republicans figured out, that by relying on radical voters and gerrymandering, they could win elections. However that leaves them open to a Canada 1993 type of election, where they are too radical, which turns off many traditional voters. That lead to them coming fourth in the election and they have not gotten back into power since.

      A solution for that would be a coup and not having a fair election ever again.

    • From Midwestlandia, here is what I have noticed.

      The enthusiasm for Trump is really starting to deflate. Reality has set in he is an old coward bitch, and he isn’t worth voting for. (Not that I am going to vote for a n*****! - heard that one plenty as well)

      However, the rabid supporters of him want a civil war. This is Ruby Ridge level insanity of them wanting to drive into cities and start attacking people. All it takes is a few of them to go to Democratic areas on Election Day and stir up shit to sway the vote.

  •  zout   ( @zout@fedia.io ) 
    112 months ago

    So, suppose Harris gets elected, she will be in the right if she locks these people up for this, since the stance of the SC is that a president can do anything as long as it’s an official act?

  •  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
    2 months ago

    Yeah, because it’s all they’ve got. They don’t have decent policies to highlight and their latest round of attempted bullying has fallen flat. Biden old is all they had, and whining about Kamala being capable of laughter doesn’t really have the same ring to it.

    They know they’re going to lose, so they’re trying to intimidate people into getting their way.

    You can’t have a civil war with a few thousand crackpots, no matter how many of them wear eccentric hats. Worst case scenario you get a second Waco, not s second civil war. Ain’t shit.

    We’ve got this in the bag and they know it. They just don’t want to admit that Teaparty v2 is coming to an end.

    • My only criticism of what you said is that we can’t be complacent. Progressive folks everywhere need to show up at the polls.

      As a Canadian watching the US election cycle play out, I’m hoping Trudeau is taking notes. Trudeau is unelectable (for different reasons than Biden) so our mini-Trump (Pierre Poiliviere) is likely to win in the fall of 2025. I hope Trudeau steps down so anyone else can have a chance, even though I think Trudeau has been good for Canada (in particular with how carefully he threaded the needle with standing up to Trump during his presidency without antagonizing him.)

      • Is it Trudeau alone or does he have resistance making it hard to get things done? I’ve only tangentially followed Canadian news and that was earlier on, I’ve really fallen off.

        I so, so hope people vote. We need civil servants back in office more than ever, so much damage was done in 2016 and with the recent rhetoric… I just can’t imagine how it would be the better alternative, for anyone or anything but evil.

        • Trudeau has been blamed by both the left and the right for everything that hasn’t gone well in Canada in the last decade. Here’s a quote from our version of The Onion that’s satire but also almost entirely how it’s been expressed:

          “While I don’t want to point fingers during this ongoing tragedy, this is all very likely Trudeau’s fault,” Smith continued. “Not because of his own support of the oil industry and its wonderful pipeline,” Smith hastily added, “but for not taking better care of Jasper National Park, a federal responsibility.”

          “The UCP has spent most of the last five years cutting Alberta’s wildfire preparedness budget, and Trudeau’s government should’ve known that this kind of fire was going to grow out of control in this province because of our cuts and should’ve been better prepared for it.”

          Trudeau has been able to do a lot but it’s not progressive enough for the left, and the right isn’t even trying to debate actual policy decisions. If Trudeau is the leader in the next federal election, then a QAnon-talking-point anti-trans bigot Conservative will win a majority government and implement a lot of Trump-lite policies in Canada.

          • and the right isn’t even trying to debate actual policy decisions.

            Ah, that is pretty telling isn’t it… In some cases you hope it’s “well, push what you can” but the reality ends up being a net-loss of actual progressive policy in favor of a slow(er) shift towards intentionally harmful ones.

            Thank you for your insights!