If they show his face they already fucked up

alt text: Someone says they don’t like superhero movies, they get an approving thumbs up, and then is promptly ignored

  • I think it’d be cool if new/not famous actors were given big roles like this. It’s a joke that RDJ got this role and Hollywood has the same issue as Washington-- bunch of old people who can’t wrap their heads around going with new talent instead of the same tired old actors.

    When a movie markets itself around the fame of the main actor(s), I can’t help but think it’s gonna be more hype the substance. But when a movie has some very lesser known characters but knocks it outta the park, I like that a lot more. Prey is a good example of this.

    MCU movies and all that stuff are just a cheap ass cash grab and decisions are made based on profit viability more than anything. Just so painfully formulaic.

  • more like

    “have you seen Mindless Action 7: Ultimate CG 3: The Reckoning yet?”

    no, I don’t keep up with Marvel movies, they just don’t appeal to me.

    “well it’s insert 30 minute lore dump and it ties into the ending of Space Hero Movie 3 because insert 20 minute side rant about Space Mask Guy’s entire history while also being an indirect sequel to Weird Magic Dude 6 because of when Weird Magic Dude altered the timeline by extended synopsis of Weird Magic Dude 2, 5, and 6 which ties into the Unremarkables Netflix series, that’s why indicipherable gibberish, and then The Bulk eats a car with Alien Skin Chin inside and Shrinky Dinky has to get him back out again! It’s amazing, you gotta see it!”

    idk man i watched Metal Noggin and Space Hero Movie and didn’t really care for either of them, the genre just doesn’t appeal to me. i’m glad you have a thing you like but it’s not really my bag.

    goes to internet “why are people so vocal about not liking marvel movies, as if we care?”.