• The best example of a movie I have on that I mostly enjoyed except the ending is Wonder Woman.

    They could keep the CGI-filled studio mandated fight if they want, but then make Diana realize it’s not making both sides stop fighting each other. They just keep on going.

    Here’s a how I would do it without any further thought but the 30 seconds I spent writing this comment: There’s a zoom in on Aries as he laughs, telling her he told her so, it wasn’t him, before he disappears, saying he’ll return, empowered by the endless war of humans. Diana realizes she can’t punch her way out of this one, and she’ll have to use love (it’s a classic WW theme), love for humans to make them see the love for each other. Love isn’t easy, it takes time. So she’s going to have to stick around in the world and fight the long fight, this won’t be a single villain she can kick the butt of.

    Idk, something like that. Point is, the whole end fight scene shouldn’t imply war is caused by a single evil Greek god.

  •  toddestan   ( @toddestan@lemm.ee ) 
    2 months ago

    A.I., the 2001 movie.

    David (the robot kid) is trapped underwater repeatedly asking the statue to make him a real boy. His batteries eventually run out and everything goes dark. Tragic. Credits roll.

    Everything that happened after that in the actual movie involving the far future with the aliens or whatever that was ends up on the editing room floor.

  • The Fantastic Voyage. Or Journey. I forget the name. It’s a movie where they shrink a submarine down and put it inside someone to do surgery. Pretty neat premise. Like a lot of older movies the ending is flat. It ends the moment they get the submarine out of the body. It would’ve been nice to have them make it large again and exit and show the person waking up. Imagine if Star Wars ended the moment the Death Star exploded or Return of the King the moment the ring is destroyed. Those are the best comparisons I can make to what this feels like.

    Also, I’d change Encanto so the family doesn’t get their powers back.

  • Star Wars Return of the Jedi

    Luke dies but still manages to kill the Emperor, the Rebels fail at destroying Death Star 2 Electric Boogaloo because Han dies and Leia ends captured, thus the shield generator is never destroyed and no run towards the core happens. Vader survives, crowning himself the new emperor. This immediately fixes the sequel trilogy by making it null and void

  • You could change the ending of Fight Club to match the book but I think that would piss people off.

    From what I remember, only one scene of the book didn’t make the film, the narrator and Tyler original meet on a beach. Also, a running theme is that the narrator can’t quite remember how to make home made explosives, he keeps getting the recipe wrong.

    So at the end, when they’re going to blow up the credit card headquarters, nothing happens because the explosives are dud.

  • @Blaze It comes out of nowhere, and its only narrative purpose is to further brutalize Joe. I’m pretty sure I see the point von Trierwas going for, but that nothing hints at it in the lead up makes it land more like hollow shock factor than disturbingly poignant.

    It’s even more of an issue as Seligman is the rare explicit asexual character, and his action plays into the harmful idea that asexuals are just lying about their sexuality.

  • Could it be a TV series?

    I fucking hate the ending of How I Met Your Mother. I’ve watched the series 6 times in total, but has only watched the last episode ONCE!

    Always skipped the last episode, some time I even skipped the last 2 episodes.

  •  Maetani   ( @Maetani@jlai.lu ) 
    2 months ago

    Us by Jordan Peele. It’s a great movie, but that ending scene is terrible. They don’t need to insist so much to make sure that the dumb viewer gets it… It’s heavily hinted during the last few scenes, and letting the viewer wondering alongside the terrified son who his mother really his, and who we’d like her to be, would be so much more impactfull.

    Also Rec by Jaume Balaguerò and Paco Plaza for similar reasons. The movie spends it’s entirerity building this unseen menace, and establishing a terrifying ambiance, and then for some reasons right at the end, just before they let us alone with our thoughts after the movie, decides they should undo it all and give us the “oh actually it’s just this guy who summoned this demon” ending.