• Genuine question, why peope don’t want a patriarchal society but wish for a matriarchal one? Isn’t it better to just have equality between all genders?

    Don’t get me wrong, I also don’t want a patriarchal society and I understand what are the problems with it, but I never understood the desire to have a “main” gender

    • Honestly, this is just a joke of a post. You’re right in that ideally there would be no gendered hierarchy at all. It just tends to be male gendered people that punch down.

    • People who honestly think this don’t know history.

      Throughout history, society has, when having an excess of young men gone to war to control their numbers. Yes there have been other reasons but having an excess of young, low education men is extremely destabilizing.

      Having a matriarchal society doesn’t necessarily mean that the male part of the population is suppressed or oppressed, but the few people that I have met that honestly think that replacing the current patriarchal system with a similar matriarchal society, also what men to “pay” for the historical treatment of women.

      Having a large group of men that are low education, is such a bad idea, they are easily radicalized to do terrible things. Men will continue to be physically stronger than women, this fact along with radicalization would lead to massive societal problems.

      What we need is too move further towards equality and equity, unfortunately boys are not doing well in schools girls are out performing them all over the board.

      As an aside, years ago (on reddit) in a movie discussion someone asked why we don’t see any “crazy ex-boyfriend” movies? When we see movies poking fun at “crazy” ex-girlfriends.
      One insightful commenter replied: it is because ex-girlfriends are generally not a physical threat; there isn’t really anything a girl can do to a boy, whereas “crazy” ex-boyfriends are a massive physical threat and therefore not funny, in the real world many murders are motivated by emotional issues and these are overwhelmingly committed by males against females.

  • Feminists see that the world is dominated almost entirely by a small handful of men who control all the news we consume, all the policy decisions that get made, and see all the massive inequality all throughout our society, and decide that the only problem with this is that the person that this power imbalance benefits isn’t a woman.

    Power corrupts, idiot. Dismantle the system. Don’t paint it pink.

  • honestly I think historically it would have made way more sense for inheritance to go through tha matrilineal line. I mean even if everything remains the same it makes more sense for a guy to be king because his mother is part of the family line. I am in no way endorsing monarchy in modern times I am just talking about the past. It seems obvious to me that family lines are more definitive by who actually bore you as opposed to who possibly inseminated.

    • Counterpoint: Women were often seen as invaders to the family lineage because of heavily misogynistic ideas like the idea of all women being evil.

      Yeah it doesn’t make sense, but misogyny typically doesn’t.

      • I totally get why it might not be so historically. I mean im talking to some degree about the definition of the bloodline so if it was a thing they could not be seen as invaders. Just seems like it makes so much more sense. Like you think about the crazy royal stuff about witnesses to consumation and it like just have witnesses the kid came out of the right womb.