• It’d be cooler if we had more trains, but I’m down for cheaper EVs in general.

    I just wish it was easier for renters to find a place to charge because that’s the largest barrier to my family getting one. Also we have relatives a few hours away that we visit fairly often, maybe once a month, and there’s only one charger on the route (and it’s sort of out of the way).

  • while we do need competition and variety on the market, electronics with Chinese origin raise serious concerns though. given China’s present political trajectory it’s not too far fetched to assume that vehicles will have remote backdoors that could be used for remote control of a vehicle. So unless those are “dumb” vehicles (which is highly unlikely) this is unlikely to be a good thing in a long run

    • The threat that chinese EVs pose to north american consumers has been vastly overblown by paranoid US nationalists and protectionist automakers who don’t fancy the competition. I’m not saying the chinese government is amazing no notes, just that this is a nothing issue.

      • @droopy4096 In addition to this, it’s well-reported now that several American automakers share vehicle acceleration data with insurance companies, so drivers are being monitored without their awareness and could face a hike in insurance fees if they’re detected as being a little too reckless in the passive acceleration data monitoring. I haven’t heard of any non-American automakers doing this. And while the consequences of the “Chinese government shutting down all EVs in NA via some electronic backdoor” are greater than this, one is speculation about the future and the other’s current fact

      • I wish that cars in general had fewer reliance on electronic systems though, and some non-critical modules could be optionally disabled by the owner without rendering the car inoperable…

        • In my experience you can typically just pull the fuse for the cell transmitter is you don’t want the vehicle phoning home, though they annoying tend to rely on the radio module for things like carplay and radio so it’s not a perfect solution.

          Some manufacturers rely on the same module for the key fob though, so some research is required.

          Definitely wish it was just an option in settings, but i’m not sure I would trust it if it was.