• I always sort of assumed as much. For one, there is something about Mr Beast giving me bad vibes, I think he kind of gives off psychopath vibes. Maybe it’s the eyes. I’ve also heard people who have interacted with him talk about how he spends basically all his time thinking about attention economy and views and just… it doesn’t sound healthy.

    But also, yeah no shit he basically does reality TV on steroids. And reality TV has been fake ever since they first figured out it’s better TV than boring actual reality. So it tracks that his videos are also fake.

      • Honestly I feel like I see this smile a lot when you look at politicians, ceos of big or terrible companies. Its like they don’t know how to smile, at best they do the thing with the mouth but the eyes just look cold and predatory. Ron Desantis looks like he’s being involuntarily sodomized when he smiles in pictures, its like he can’t even fake it.

        Not that I think these people can’t feel joy or genuinely smile, I’m sure you could get more expression from them if you paid them to physically torture helpless poor people. But when they smile for us, its always dead in the eyes

  • This comment section, lmmfao. Sorry to disappoint you kids, but in the pantheon on tech bad guys Bill Gates doesn’t even rate. All told, all things considered, Bill Gates is a good and descent man.

    However, the claim that Gates visited Epstein’s private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands 37 times has not been substantiated.

    Crucially, the flight logs that detailed the use of Epstein’s private plane, including their destinations, do not show that Bill Gates ever visited the island, let alone on 37 separate occasions.

    The logs, according to a 2019 New York Times report, state that while Gates met Epstein a number of times, he only flew on the plane from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey to Palm Beach, Florida.

    A spokesman told the Times that Gates was not “made aware it was Mr. Epstein’s plane.”

    Gates has since said that he regretted associating with Epstein.


      • Yes i know, it was in one video and not even the entire time, some other youtubers did stuff for Mrbeast and did some behind the scenes as well, i don’t say that the videos aren’t staged partially or scripted, doesn’t make the good or interesting inside the videos less valuable, its just made to be more entertaining. And idk how he can be a scam in general, he doesn’t do anything that can be scam he sells merchandise, people buy that willingly.

        I just think this video is useless or outright flame bait.

        • And idk how he can be a scam in general, he doesn’t do anything that can be scam he sells merchandise, people buy that willingly.

          The video goes into some detailed allegations of actually illegal practices taking place with a lot of their contests and giveaways, such as obfuscating the “no purchase necessary” clause in their promo copies, making it unreasonably hard to enter the contest without making a purchase, “fixing” the contest so that some prizes go out to friends/family of the company instead of outside entrants, forging autographed merch, etc.

          • Yes but there is no real coherent Evidence, its mostly allegations. I don’t say that all of this cannot be true, i just say that it’s not really believable currently. When now a lot of participants would stand up and talk about malicious practices i would probably believe it more. The forged autographs are actually pretty common, i don’t like it either but its not new.

            •  Chozo   ( @Chozo@fedia.io ) 
              2 months ago

              He provides a lot of evidence, largely including video footage and screenshots of the exact things he’s alleging. In fact, just about every claim he makes in the video is backed up by a clip or a screenshot. Whether or not those prove the claims he’s making is one thing, but to say he’s not provided any coherent evidence wouldn’t really be accurate.

              Did you watch the video? I know it’s long and not the most entertaining thing in the world, but I’m getting the feeling that you’re running on assumptions here, because a lot of the blanks you have are filled in by the video.

        • There is another video that goes into detail about how it is illegal to sell products for entry to a random giveaway. Which he had done multiple times.

          He is absolutely scamming people and uses predatory tactics against children. Watch the SomeOrdinaryGamers video on it, it’s pretty clear. (For posterity, that video I’m mentioning is Mutahar watching and commenting about a different video to clarify and give his opinion)