• Just as we rejected slavery

    Bro, you have a confederate flag hanging above your bed.
    Oh, you rejected slavery because you’re the party of Lincoln? Tell me, what was the flag that Lincoln actively fought against?

    • We also rejected mercantilism… even though Trump’s apparent economic strategy of ‘remove all taxes and replace them we a 20% import tariff across the board’ is basically a return to mercantilism.

      We rejected second class citizenship for women… even though most Republicans seem to want to basically return to that by removing no fault divorce in addition to criminalizing abortion and basically ending sex ed.

      We rejected Wilsonian globalism… and then fought and died in WW2 (which is where we rejected fascism) because we preferred to be isolationist until Japan and Germany declared war on us and then we built the fucking UN headquarters in New York (Wilson’s League of Nations version 2.0).

      In summary, they must have consulted with whatifalthist to get their version of American History.

      In a (historically relevant reference) word: NUTS!

  •  megopie   ( @megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone ) 
    1 month ago

    It’s an attempt to create a unified narrative that can tie together a number of disparate groups. Groups who have no chance of winning elections or joining another coalition. Groups whose goals and ambitions are so antithetical to public interest that they can never actually say what they want out loud.

    The reason this document is so bizarre and unhinged is because it’s trying to speak the language of people who have to speak in a series of dog whistles to prevent being disregarded out of hand.

    It’s a rallying cry to all those who are upset when they get held accountable for saying what they actually think.

    • Words can have multiple meanings. Definitions really only exist because of a mutual understanding of the word, and memeology is just as important as etymology nowadays, when new words and new contexts can get introduced to huge audiences instantly.

      Insisting words have one definition and that the elite get to decide it is the very meaning of wokeism.

      In other words…war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.

  • So, once upon a time in Germany, around 1931, Reinhard Heydrich (the father of the genocide machine to later feature in the Holocaust) was tasked with starting the Sicherheitsdienst, sister agency to the Gestapo. See, Germany was going through a hard time, and while the communists wanted to try out that business Lenin was doing, the companies and interest behind the NSDAP wanted the people to fall behind an autocratic regime that would take care of them and make sure everyone stayed in their lane.

    And Heydrich (who was still new at it but read a lot of cloak-and-dagger spy stories) worked out that the enemy within rhetoric served to keep the German people lawful. At first he started rounding up the wierdos (gays, sexual perverts, street beggars). Since no one liked the Jews (really, the whole world was on an antisemitic bender), he added them to the list. Then the communists. Then the trade unionists. And then everyone employed in a job that he thought wasn’t serving the state very well. He really got going.

    The first concentration camp was a warehouse in Berlin, but it filled up super fast, and in time he needed bigger spaces, and so new camps weren’t just ad-hoc corrals but ghettos and more permanent prison camps for the growing contained population, in what was becoming The Jewish Problem: There were too many people to keep in ghettos and camps and (remember that global antisemitism) no-one else was willing to take Jewish refugees. Not even the United States. If only there was a way to make them disappear…