• They already do that anyway around me. The beer garden is on the other side of the road from the pub (Which is apparently allowable because it’s not an adopted road?).

      Anyway sometimes people somehow manage to get lost crossing the 3m road and end up outside people’s houses sitting on the walls and stuff. I do mind the drinking but I object to them smoking and then me having to smell it.

  •  Destide   ( @sirico@feddit.uk ) 
    1221 days ago

    Ridiculous everyone should just make do and put up with my addiction,what am I supposed to do smoke at home?!

    RIP Pub workers having to put up with the “rebels” doing their upmost to take the piss I worked through the indoor ban went pretty well but there were a couple of those I am so smart I beat the system types.

    • The indoor ban where i live was an absolute shitshow. Both smokers and bar owners were the biggest piss babies about it. the owners formed smoking clubs, where you had to be in the club and pay a 10 dollar fee or something, so you are not in a pub, you were in a smoking club that happened to sell drinks. Nice, now i can pay a fee and smell like an ashtray? That’s so cool.

      •  TWeaK   ( @Tweak@feddit.uk ) 
        119 days ago

        Car pollution fucks you up, too, probably more so. And before you say “people need cars to get places”, nicotine (and caffeine) fuelled the industrial revolution - nicotine makes your brain work faster, which can make people more productive.

        • Yeah and that’s why we have congestion charges and emissions zones and catalytic converters and environmental regulations on cars, to reduce the pollution that people are breathing in.

          FYI I’m not in favour of ever banning smoking completely. The freedom to damage yourself is just as important as the freedom to not be damaged by someone else.

    • Absolutely authoritarian.

      Education campaigns are far more effective with far less pushback than draconian bans. Let people choose for themselves.

      I remember constant campaigns in the past trying to convince the public of the ills of smoking, and it (slowly) appeared to be working. Then vaping came along, and instead of continuing the education campaigns, the health departments tactics seemed to change to “take up vaping, it’s better than smoking”.

      And now, it may just be anecdotal, but smoking appears to me at least, to be on the rise again. I wonder why?

      • Yeah bloody government, making laws, making people’s lives better, how dare they.

        I liked it back in the old days when 4-year-olds worked down the pit and no one back an eyelid, and then died quietly of tuberculosis. Snowflakes these days…

    • I don’t really care if they ban it or not I just want them to ban it in public. People want to smoke in private that’s their prerogative and they really couldn’t care one way or the other.

      But it actually has to be in private, not just sitting on your doorstep in a dressing gown at 9:30am on a Tuesday with everyone walking past you on the street. That might just be around me though.

  • I never realised how much people want to be controlled by the government when I was younger.

    This is fucked.

    “But the government wants to ban something I don’t like! That’s good. They should stop others doing things I don’t like!”

  • As an expat who’s recently visited back, I’m astounded at how UK smokers behave. Not even on a night out either; the chef on break flicking the finished end into the street puddle, folks lighting up right outside shop entrances, or the general lack of awareness towards smoking around children. Socially learned behavior that never gets the same tutting you might a speeding car or queue jumper.

    I took a trip abroad years ago and was bewildered to see a guy light up and then pull out a foil-type pouch too. Not only did the butt go into that pouch for later disposal, but all his ash did too. I’ve heard Japan is much the same way, even Americans are far better culturally about sequestering themselves before smoking.