I prefer simplicity and using the first example but I’d be happy to hear other options. Here’s a few examples:

HTTP/1.1 403 POST /endpoint
{ "message": "Unauthorized access" }
HTTP/1.1 403 POST /endpoint
Unauthorized access (no json)
HTTP/1.1 403 POST /endpoint
{ "error": "Unauthorized access" }
HTTP/1.1 403 POST /endpoint
  "code": "UNAUTHORIZED",
  "message": "Unauthorized access",
HTTP/1.1 200 (🤡) POST /endpoint
  "error": true,
  "message": "Unauthorized access",
HTTP/1.1 403 POST /endpoint
  "status": 403,
  "code": "UNAUTHORIZED",
  "message": "Unauthorized access",

Or your own example.

  • Respect the Accept header from the client. If they need JSON, send JSON, otherwise don’t.

    Repeating an HTTP status code in the body is redundant and error prone. Never do it.

    Error codes are great. Ensure to prefix yours and keep them unique.

    Error messages can be helpful, but often lead developers to just display them in the frontend, breaking i18n. Some people supply error messages in multiple languages, depending on the Accept-Language header.

    • but often lead developers to just display them in the frontend

      Oh boy I feel this one.
      My API is meant for scripting (i.e. it’s for developers and the errors are for developers), but the UI team uses it and they just straight display the error from their HTTP request for none technical people which might also not get to know all the parameters actually needed for the request.
      And even when the error is in fact in my code, and I sent all the data I need to debug and replicate the error, the users can’t tell me because the UI truncates the response, so the user only sees something like Error in pe1uca's API: {"error":"bad request","message":"Your request has an error, please check th... (truncated). So the message gets truncated and the link to the documentation is also never shown .-.

    • To be fair if it’s an exceptional error message (i.e. database timeout; not incorrect password) I don’t think i18n matters that much. Most people will just be googling the error message anyway, and if not it should be rare enough that using Google translate isn’t an issue.

      • Depends on the product. It’s just something to think about when signaling errors. There is information for the API client developer, there is information for the client code, and there’s information for the user of the client. Remembering these distinct concerns, and providing distinct solutions, helps. I don’t think there is a single approach that is always correct.

    • I use this big expensive simulator called Questa, and if there’s an error during the simulation it prints Errors: 1, Warnings: 0 and then exits with EXIT_SUCCESS (0)! I tried to convince them that this is wrong but they’re like “but it successfully simulated the error”. 🤦🏻‍♂️

      We end up parsing the output which is very dumb but also seems to be industry standard in the silicon industry unfortunately (hardware people are not very good at software engineering).

    • I worked on a product that was only allowed to return 200 OK, no matter what.

      Apparently some early and wealthy customer was too lazy to check error codes in the response, so we had to return 200 or else their site broke. Then we’d get emails from other customers complaining that our response codes were wrong.

    • I don’t necessarily disagree, but I have spent considerable time on this subject and can see merit in decoupling your own error signaling from the HTTP layer.

      No matter how you design your API, if you’re passing through additional layers, like load balancers and CDNs, you no longer have full control over all responses your clients receive. At this point it may be viable to always signal a successful backend connection with a 200, even if the process resulted in a failure.

      Going further, your API may include partial success scenarios, think batch processing, then the result could be a mix of success and failure that doesn’t translate to HTTP status.

      You could even argue that there is really no reason to couple your API so tightly with a concept of the transport layer it uses.

    • You should consider if you really want to integrate your application super tightly with the HTTP protocol.

      Will it always be used exclusively over a REST-ful HTTP API that you control, and it has exactly one hop to the client, or passes through hops that can be trusted to never alter the HTTP metadata significantly? In that case you can afford to make HTTP codes semantically relevant for your app.

      But maybe you need to pass data through multiple different types of layers and different mechanisms (socket protocols, pub-sub, file storage etc.) In that case you want all your semantics to be independent from any form of transport.

  •  houseofleft   ( @houseofleft@slrpnk.net ) 
    19 days ago

    I’m a data engineer, and have seen an ungodly ammount of 200-but-actually-no-stuff-is-broken errors and it’s the bane of my life!

    We have generic code to handle pulling in api data, and transforming it. It’s obviously check the status code, but any time an API implements this we have to choose between:

    • having code fail wierdly further down the line because can’t parse the status
    • adding in some kind of insane if not response.ok or "actually no there's an error really" in response.content logic

    Every time you ignore protocols and invent your own, you are making everyone sad.

    Will take recommendations of support groups I can join for victims of terrible apis.

  • I think the general rule of thumb is: Keep it Simple, Stupid.

    Don’t include fields “just in case”. If you don’t have a use for a field right now, then don’t include it. It’s often easier to add fields than removing.

    Avoid having fields that can be derived from other fields. Code “UNAUTHORIZED” can be derived from 403. Having both adds confusion. It adds the question whether the code field be something other than “UNAUTHORIZED” when the response is 403.

    Just 403 with empty body is fine. Add message in a JSON in case it’s useful for the user. If the user needs more fields in the future, then it’s easy to expand the JSON.

    • 403 is a category, not a code. Yes I know they’re called http codes but REST calls are more complex than they were in 2001. There are hundreds of reasons you might not be authorized.

      Is it insufficient permissions? Authentication required? Blocked by security? Too many users concurrently active?

      I’d argue the minimum for modern services is:

      403 category
      Code for front end error displays
      Message as default front end code interpretation

      As json usually but if you’re all using protobuf, go off King.

      • REST calls are same as in 2001. There is no REST 2.0 or REST 2024. Because REST is architecture guideline. It’s just more data sent over it today. HTTP code IS code. Why your system issued it is implementation detail and have nothing to do with resource representation. Examples you provided are not 403. “Too many users active” does not exist in REST because REST is stateless, closest you can get is “too many requests” - 429. Insufficient permissions is 401. I don’t even know what is “blocked by security” but sounds like 401 too. Regardless, you should not provide any details on 401 or 403 to client as it is security concern. No serious app will tell you “password is wrong” or “user does not exist”. Maximum what client should hope for is input validation errors in 400.

        For those with “internal tool, I don’t care” argument - you either do not know what security in depth is or you don’t have 403 or 401 scenario in the system in the first place.

        Now hear me out, you all can do whatever you want or need with your API. Have state, respond with images instead of error codes, whatever, but calling it REST is wrong by definition

        • Theory is fine but in the real world I’ve never used a REST API that adhered to the stateless standard, but everyone will still call it REST. Regardless of if you want it or not REST is no longer the same as it’s original definition, the same way nobody pronounces gif as “jif” unless they’re being deliberately transgressive.

          403 can be thrown for all of those reasons - I just grabbed that from Wikipedia because I was too lazy to dig into our prod code to actually map out specifics.

          Looking at production code I see 13 different variations on 422, 2 different variations of 429…

  • since none of your examples add anything of value in the body: a plain old 403 is enough.

    response bodies for 400 responses are more interesting, since you can often tell why a request was bad and the client can use that information to communicate to the user what went wrong.

    best error code remains 418, though.

    •  sus   ( @sus@programming.dev ) 
      19 days ago

      to be even more pedantic, if we follow the relevant official RFCs for http (formerly 2616, but now 7230-7235 which have relevant changes), a 403 can substitute for a 401, but a 401 has specific requirements:

      The server generating a 401 response MUST send a WWW-Authenticate header field (Section 4.1) containing at least one challenge applicable to the target resource.

      (the old 2616 said 403 must not respond with a request for authentication but the new versions don’t seem to mention that)

  • The status code that gets returned should be the status code of the messenger and not the data. If you want to add a status code about the data, then please do.

    If something can return null and empty and it’s valid, that is not a 404. That is a 200.

    As far as a 403, the messenger is telling you that you shall not pass. There is no data. 403 is appropriate here. The return response can be anything since 403 is pretty self explanatory, but I would probably return json to be consistent. I would also use the field message. Something like the first one for this use case only.

    In other cases where i do get data, I would use data, message, status (optional). But status in the json response would be status about the message.

  • 1 or 4 but wrapped in a top level error object. It’s usually best to not use the top level namespace because then you can’t add meta details about the request easily later without changing the original response schema.

    Codes are great but I’m usually too lazy to introduce them right away, so I instead have message (which is guaranteed to come back) and context, which is any JSON object and doesn’t adhere to a guaranteed structure. Another poster pointed out that code is way easier for localization since you are probably not localizing your message.

    The HTTP status code is generally sufficient to describe what happened without having to catalogue every error with a unique “code”. A context blob is useful for dumping validation errors or any other details about the error that a human could at least rely on for help.

    Putting the status code on the body seems helpful but is actually useless, since the only place you can assume it’s always provided is on the response itself and not the body.

  • Anything but the last one. Don’t duplicate the http code in the body, else you’re now maintaining something you don’t need to maintain.

    I’m not a fan of codes that repeat information in the body either, but I think if you had used a different example like “INVALID_BLAH” or something then the message covered what was invalid, then it would be fine. Like someone else said, the error data should be in an object as well, so that you don’t have to use polymorphism to figure out whether it’s an error or not. That also allows partially complete responses, e.g. data returns, along with an error.