• 1, “doesn’t give a shit about defense” so that’s the explanation for the lack of armor right? I’m not surprised a demon wouldn’t worry about protecting organs they might not even have.

    2, is the boob shape on the chestplate why it doesn’t get the full 10? Would you rather the chestplate be flat and be very uncomfortable for her boobs?

    3, is there a reason the wings are coming from the demon’s lower back?

    • The problem with boob plate is how it deflects attacks. There are plenty of places on that armor where a spear jab would deflect upwards toward the neck area.

      Flat isn’t really what you want either for these. When the weapon deflects and slides off to a side, that steals a lot of the energy from the impact. If the weapon strikes a flat armor, it would be much more likely to damage the armor. That might mean caving in the plate, or fully piercing it. Neither is great. (And even if the armor withstands the hit, it might knock you on your ass, which could very well be a death sentence)

      There’s usually some room in these sorts of armors. unless you’re tiddy is comically big, I’m skeptical that you’d need a great deal of accommodation. But even if you do, the armor shouldn’t look like booba from the outside.

      Something like this should presumably work, but I’ll admit I’ve never had boobs inside of a suit of armor.