The Alberta government says it’s moving ahead this fall with legislation that would require parents to proactively sign up to have their children opt-in, rather than the usual practice of opting out, for sex education.

It’s a move that has teachers wondering what problem the province is looking to solve.

Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides, in a statement, said school boards, teachers, superintendents and parents are being consulted.

“We intend to propose legislation this fall and will continue to consult with stakeholders throughout the implementation of these policies,” Nicolaides said.

It’s not clear what the legislation might look like, but Premier Danielle Smith said in February it would involve parents opting-in their children to each formal lesson on sexual health.

    • That is EXACTLY the point - to deny (either deliberately or through omission) basic sex ed to as many students as possible; to block understanding and acceptance of everything other than the straight, white, conservative christian patriarchy.

    • “please sign this form for mondays lesson. Please sign this form for tuesdays lesson. Please sign this form for wednesdays lesson”

      “how many forms are there?”

      “theres two weeks of discussions, so please sign these 14 forms”

  • Same reason people convicted of raping children here in the US heavily push for the limiting of school sex education, its statistically proven to significantly limit the number of children who report being raped.

    While most children are sexually abused by their family, and as such giving the abusers the option to opt out of sex education for their children has proven useful, you still have to worry about their classmates catching it, and so the more of them you can keep from knowing what rape is and how to report it, the better your odds of getting away with it are.

  • “good news, we made sex-ed opt in, and then we removed accesible condoms… and then made AHS semi-private! On an unrelated note, teen pregnancies and STDs have risen drastically, so we need to bring god back into schools!”