Linux people doing Linux things, it seems.

  • Here’s the thing: you’re not going to force all of us to learn Rust.

    That’s precious coming from Linux developers.

    I am a heavy Linux user. I run multiple microservices on multiple headless devices all Linux.

    This sounds like every fucking Windows user you’ll ever encounter.

    “Here’s the thing: you’re not going to force all of us to learn to use Linux.”

    So, yeah…

    • It’s just their ego showing through.

      It basically now comes down to the current devs depending on new Rust devs for anything that interacts with Rust code.

      They could just work together with Rust devs to solve any issues (API for example).

      But their ego doesn’t allow for it. They want to do everything by themselves because that’s how it always was (up until now).

      Sure, you could say it’s more efficient to work on things alone for some people, and I’d agree here, but realistically that’s not going to matter because the most interactivity that exists (at the moment) between Rust and C in Linux is… the API. Something that they touch up on once in a while. Once it’s solid enough, they don’t have to touch it anymore at all.

      This is a completely new challenge that the Linux devs are facing now after a new language has been introduced. It was tried before, but now it’s been approved. The only person they should be mad at is Linus, not the Rust devs.

    • Switching everything from C to Rust because it has better memory safety is more akin to changing languages from English to Esperanto because it has gender neutral pronouns and other cool features. Maybe it’s a good idea, but it’s understandable that some people are reluctant.

      • Maybe it’s a good idea, but it’s understandable that some people are reluctant.

        I understand that position. I also understand how the words and phrases that the C community has used to communicate with the Rust community seems to be completely dismissive, not just reluctant.

        I quoted what I did explicitly because of how a statement like that comes off to the person it’s aimed at. It doesn’t make them feel like they’re on an even footing working on the same project with the overall goal of it becoming better.

        memory safety is more akin to changing languages from English to Esperanto because it has gender neutral pronouns.

        I mean… not at all? Memory safety is huge for cybersecurity, buffer overflows and the like are common attack surfaces. C requires you to have deep knowledge of safe memory management practices and even then you can end up with memory issues. Rust was developed to avoid such issues entirely. I understand the reluctance but it feels to me like arguing “we should just stick with COBOL because it works.”

        • Gender neutral pronouns are pretty huge too. Sure you can do them in English without too many problems usually, just as it’s also possible to code safely in C. It requires everyone to change their old habits, but it’s much less of a change than is involved in adopting a whole new language.

          Anyway, I do like Rust better personally.

        • I understand the reluctance but it feels to me like arguing “we should just stick with COBOL because it works.”

          For those depending on COBOL code that does the job and has been doing it just well for a few decades, there are approximately zero good reasons to not stick with it.

      • 😂i wish my country switched from german to English because of how difficult it is to talk genderless in that language. Like, every fucking word seems to be gendered here.

    • I finally watched the talk today and that wasn’t what I thought he meant. What I thought he was getting at was that the rust parts of the kernel interact with lots of other modules written by people who don’t know rust. When those C modules change their semantics in ways that break the rust code, they can’t go fix it because they don’t know rust. In fact, whenever they make a change, they don’t even know if they broke some rust module, because they don’t understand the rust code well enough. And this is something that everyone is going to have to live with for the foreseeable future, because you can’t force all those other kernel hackers to learn rust.

      • If you are that good in C(pp), I guess understanding rust code of a module is not sooo hard… I mean, I learned what I know about C from reading stuff in the Kernel that made my embedded Linux project not working.

        But I have yet to read rust.

  • “It’s herding cats: introducing Rust effectively is one part coding work and ninety-nine parts political work…”

    All software development in a team is. More like 20/80 or 40/60 if you’re lucky.

  • Here’s what I think. Both opinions are correct.

    Rust is sufficiently different that you cannot expect C developers to learn rust to the level they have mastered C in order to be working at the kernel level. It’s not going to happen.

    I don’t really know too much about rust. Maybe one day I’ll actually mess around with it. But the one time I looked at a rust git repo I couldn’t even find where the code to do a thing was. It’s just different enough to be problematic that way.

    So I think probably, the best way IS to go the way linus did. Just go ahead and write a very basic working kernel in rust. If the project is popular it will gain momentum.

    Trying to slowly adapt parts of the kernel to rust and then complain when long term C developers don’t want to learn a new language in order to help isn’t going to make many friends on that team.

    •  witx   ( ) 
      14 days ago

      But that’s the thing where you are wrong. They clearly state they don’t want C developers to learn Rust. In the particular video posted he was saying “I want you to explain to me how this particular API works so that I can do it”

      The concerns about who fixes what on a merge when the C code breaks Rust code are valid, but that’s easily fixed by gathering with the Rust developers, explaining the changes and letting them fix it.

        • This isn’t a disagreement. One person is stating something incorrect. You can disagree on opinion, but facts are facts. The person being referred to here isn’t asking others to learn Rust, they are just asking for more information about the already existing C code so that they can write their Rust code to interoperate with it. This misunderstanding is exactly why that developer was getting heckled on stage, and is the reason why now one has left the project. I would appreciate it if you didn’t make a misunderstanding sound like a valid opinion. Enough damage has already been done.

            • That to me sounds like exactly the reason why developers like the above have left. They are having to take on the burden of gently letting down other devs who are angry over a simple misunderstanding. A misunderstanding that wouldn’t have happened if they had been listening or bothered to ask first before jumping to conclusions. Imagine someone heckles you on stage and you have to respond kindly. I certainly wouldn’t. If someone had listened to my talk, misinterpreted it, then heckled me over it you can bet I would be angry and would respond in kind. To then see this misinformation being spread again would drive me nuts. I can see why they left.

              The bottom line for me is that Rust devs who work on this stuff for free shouldn’t be getting hounded by C devs just for asking for proper documentation that frankly they should have provided in the first place. I say this as someone who is skeptical of Rust for various reasons.

              •  ulterno   ( ) 
                14 days ago

                They are having to take on the burden of gently letting down other devs who are angry over a simple misunderstanding.

                I feel like, if anyone would be happily willing to do that in their free time, they would have been a Politician or an HR and not a Developer.

                I’m pretty n00b as a dev, but if I were to see someone misinterpreting my explanation, the most I would do is rephrase the same in a more understandable manner.
                Definitely not going to resort to using “people management tactics”, specially not in an Open Source Free Work setting, where the expectation is that the other person wants the good of the project as much as I do [1].

                Facts are more important than feelings, specially when written text is the medium, where the reader can, at any time, go back and re-read to make sure they are at the same page, which a responsible, non-sleepy, non-drunk person would do in such a case.

                On this note, I went and re-read the above comment and I realise, the “But that’s the thing where you are wrong.” sentence is kinda useless. If the previous commenter were to have read the rest, they would realise that’s where they were wrong. Mental note to not use useless stuff like this as the first sentence in a reply, because I probably have the habit

                Yes, I know I joined both circumstances, this comment thread and the condition of the Rust Linux dev. It seemed relevant to me.

                1. as compared to a corporate setting, where if they are getting money to sit and do nothing, they will prefer that ↩︎

    •  vga   ( ) 
      14 days ago

      Yeah, the Rust guys’ proposition is roughly this:

      Hey you guys with 20-30 years of experience doing a single thing very well. Let’s nullify most of that skillset and replace it with a thing we’re good at.

      Don’t worry, we will teach you.

      They’re not technically wrong about Rust being a better choice for a kernel, of course. They’re just incredibly misinformed about the social hurdles they need to climb over for it to happen.

    • Developers who are not willing to learn something new and not adapt are the worst.

      And this is why COBOL developers are desperately needed these days: because too many people think that “old” was the same thing as “needs a replacement”.

      • The situation of COBOL has nothing to do with Rust in Linux. C is not replaced by Rust, first. Secondly, there are legitimate reasons why Rust was introduced, as a secondary language. You are conflicting two different cases that are two different problems. It’s not replacing a language.

      •  treadful   ( ) 
        1815 days ago

        “Learning something new” does not mean the thing you are learning is new. It just means it’s new to you. One of the best things you can do for yourself as a dev is to learn to be fluid and be able to adapt to new languages, protocols, and technologies.

        • Why? I mean, I, personally, try to be as polyglot as possible, but not everyone working on the Linux kernel is even interested in doing anything that’s not C kernel code, nor is it their profession.

          •  treadful   ( ) 
            1315 days ago

            Learning is key in this field. Being able to learn new things allows you to move from one thing to the next as needed. You also learn a lot from experiencing different things. Other ways of doing things, other points of view, other concepts that you may have not been exposed to before.

            It also expands your employment potential and general usefulness. Knowing only one thing will severely limit your abilities.

            • It also expands your employment potential and general usefulness.

              I have already mentioned that programming is not everyone’s profession. Not everyone chooses what they do in their unpaid free time primarily based on whether it makes them a more useful person. I think the very phrase ‘my usefulness’ is dangerous.

              Are we only worth something as drones?

              • I never said anything about someone’s usefulness as a person. Their usefulness as a software developer was the topic at hand. Maybe it’s not your profession but a hobby but the point stands.

                I think the very phrase ‘my usefulness’ is dangerous. Are we only worth something as drones?

                And yet it’s drones that do one thing and only one thing their entire lives, never learn and grow.

                •  rhabarba   ( ) OP
                  515 days ago

                  Maybe it’s not your profession but a hobby but the point stands.

                  To be honest, I’ve hardly ever asked myself how I could best please a potential employer with any of my hobbies. But I recognise that you’re probably taking a different approach.

            • employment potential and learning are generally problems if you are young. if you are old, the time investment to learn a new language is generally not self beneficial as your time of employability starts to dwindle.

              Linux ultimately will have to run into the situation of if the people want the newer language to become the mainstream, they need to be more proactive at the development of the kernel itself instead of relying on yhe older generation, who does ot the way they only know how, as relearning and rewriting everything ultimately to them, a waste of time at their point in life.

              think like proton was for gaming. you dont(and will not) convince all devs to make linux compatible games using a vulkan branch. the solution in that front was to create a translation layer to offload most of that work off because its nonsensical to expect every dev to learn vulkan. this would be applied moreso to the linux kernel, so the only realistic option (imo) is that the ones who are working in rust need to make the rust based kernel and hope that it takes off in a few years to actually gain traction.

              • employment potential and learning are generally problems if you are young. if you are old, the time investment to learn a new language is generally not self beneficial as your time of employability starts to dwindle.

                Middle age software engineer here. Very disagree. Hoping to code until arthritis gets me. My point wasn’t only for employment (more of a perk), but primarily self-improvement and improvement on your craft. The day I can no longer do that, that may be the end for me.

                That said, I don’t know what Linux community should do about Rust adoption. I just wanted to point out that I think it’s very important for all devs to be able to embrace learning new things and expand and refine their skillset.

          • One problem is (even Linus acknowledged it in some interview, sorry I have no source) that in future C might no longer be the popular language to learn. I mean learning basics is one thing, but getting good at C and writing in the Kernel, while trying to dodge memory issues is a huge task to ask.

            Lot of people learn Rust instead for systems programming today. Meaning in future it might be very useful to get new people into Kernel programming. And as said before, those who are not interested into Rust are perfectly fine using C. The Kernel is huge! Even new code in C is allowed, so this is not something that is going away. Remember, its an addition to the base, not replacement.

    • Ted is the maintainer of ext4 and there are not many people in the world who understand this code.

      For Rust to succeed, it has to get the subsystem maintainers to agree. It is going to be many years of petting very angry bobcats…

      And that is not even the worst I’ve heard, makes you a bit numb if you follow LKML.

  •  shirro   ( ) 
    1314 days ago

    Adding rust to a massive mature C project that targets lots of architectures and has many contributors is a difficult process. If it succeeds it is going to take a lot more time and patience.

  • Not an expert in both the languages but I heard that C developers are trained to use memory smartly, sometimes even reuse a range of allocated memory for completely different purpose to save cycles freeing and reallocating. But for Rust developers, everything is about making sure when one should get the hand away from the memory, and whose memory is allowed to be touched.

    Sounds to me like sharing rides that maximise economically but we may have some oops moments sitting on someone’s laps vs absolute private rides to make sure no one in your family will be harmed but we have to make sure everyone gets a car only when needed.

    It is quite interesting to see how it will work out eventually…