• Last week, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre called on Singh to pull out of the agreement.

    Calling Singh’s statement a “media stunt” in a post on X, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre criticized the NDP leader for not saying whether he will vote non-confidence in the government at the earliest opportunity.

    Conservatives moving goalposts constantly… colour me surprised until I’m blue in the face.

    • Poilievre is making a string of very strange political gambles. Doing the rhyming nickname thing, trying to look like a cool badass, going on a string of unusual, foolish-looking, public attacks against rivals.

      If the Conservatives don’t do as well as expected in the federal election, I wonder what’s next for them, from a leadership, attitude, and policy standpoint.

      This will be Gen Z’s first real federal election to participate in. I’m very interested to see their impact. Convention is to assume that the young won’t vote, but, life and livelihood for the youth in Canada has never been worse, at least in my lifetime.

    • To Poilievre it seems to be a game he needs to play as hard as possible to win. I bet he’s semi-open about his disregard for accuracy the moment the cameras are off.

      Honestly, I blame the voters for not noticing.

    • Strategically, this a move that I think shows to the Canadian labour bloc, that actions like what the Liberal minister did to the rail workers don’t go without consequences. Singh can harp on, consoling and hugging union leaders if he wants but rescinding the agreement is one big step above just talk that is within the NDP’s power.

      • for sure.

        It definitly has a Catch 22, because I dont want to see a snap election, I think the conservitives have too much a chance of forming a government, and as rough as the Liberals can be, the conservitives would be far worse… but we can’t have the NDP just being unwavering support for the Liberals.

  • Singh said the Liberals will not stand up to corporate interests and he will be running in the next election to “stop Conservative cuts.”


    We are so fucked.

    Edit: to be clear I just think Singh is not the leader to bring us an NDP government. I think they’ll end up gaining only a couple of seats, because his election performance has not been very good.

    • I’d have much preferred to see the agreement last until next year. Finish at least getting the senate bills passed, give Trudeau another year of appointing liberal and, basically, not conservative senators.

  • Singh had many reasonable opportunities to do this over the last few years, but finally pulls the rip cord when the Conservatives are polling way ahead? What the fuck? He’s such a useless piece of shit, why do the NDP keep him around

  • the video was scheduled to go live online at 1 p.m. Wednesday.

    Seeing this at quarter past the hour I went to look for it at the ndp.ca website. It does not appear to be there. I followed the link to their youtube channel. Not there either. Presumably it’s on fucking twitter or something. Please do better, NDP.

    Anyway, the video can be seen at cpac.