• Let me give you the drug choices options:

          Bob’s mod: adds complexity without going too crazy. If vanilla takes you 20-39 hours, bobs will take 50-60 hours. Absolutely recommend this point to start.

          Bobs + Angels: my personal favorite - adds a lot more complexity, but still building on the above. Ore processing is huge and awesome. Expect finishing between 100 hours and 150.

          Seablock: takes the above but makes it space restrictive - which is hard considering based are gigantic. Very cool mod, 300 hours average.

          SE: doesn’t use the bob/angel set, but is still a huge undertaking. Very few finish it, 500 hours is about the average I’ve seen posted.

        • There’s also mods in satisfactory. For example “satisfactory plus” is essentially a full rework, increasing complexity by 2-3x. Obviously needs to be updated for 1.0 first though… Just in case you need something until factorio dlc at the end of October.

          Edit: if you’re familiar with factorio mods, it’s similar to and inspired by bobs+angels.

          • I know of them but haven’t had the right mood and time to dig in to overhalls. Just got Satisfactory so I want to get some hours in before I know what to mod. I’ll keep an eye out for it once I’m settled in.

  • As a long time player since update 6? Or so…

    I took time off work because I knew I wouldn’t be able to get anything done at work, because I’d be thinking about my factory all day long.

    I have all day today, tomorrow, and all weekend to get the initial hype out of my system before I go back to work.

  • I played Satisfactory for a while. Got a little past oil extraction and power generation. I think I was doing it wrong, though. I only made one actual factory, like with a floor and such, and it was one of those little templates you can design and make several of. Most of the stuff I built was just scattered about the map with miners and constructors and smelters just laying about everywhere and conveyer belts connecting them. It felt disorganized and, well, unsatisfying. The transport tube (the futurama style one) was fun, but most of the rest of it just felt like work. That and the fact that there was no provided reason to do any of it caused me to just lose interest after a while. I think the Christmas gift construction tree, where the last item required like 10,000 gifts collected was kind of discouraging too.

    What keeps you motivated to improve, rebuild, and progress in the game? And what am I missing?

  • Can confirm Satisfactory_ has eaten 3000+ hours of my life.

    I’m curious if the hypertube physics is still the same, since lobbing myself between sites, or into the sky to do surveys or climb tall hills smacks of Portal and_ The Matrix._

    I hope it all still works.

    The new Bacon Agaric looks nice.

  • The save the world plot is new.

    I appreciated the capitalist / industrialist commentary that this is what Ficsit does: Drop a few pioneers onto a planet and turn it into a giant self-consuming manufacturing plant, like a bacterium infecting a cell, that feeds some remote market with hyper-processed goods.

    Oh well. I expect it still to be amazing.