• For few weeks now I am making few batches of cider. We had to already stop taking more apples because we don’t have enough fermenters to process them all (and kegs, bottles…).

    It’s not done yet, I have enough and don’t want to see apples for another year.

  • Making music.

    It has turned into a hobby now that I am older and have tinnitus. Where I did mostly acid techno and hard trance back in the day, I make more downbeat music now with guitar, electric bass and drum loops or programmed drums. Sometimes together with my best mate we have dinner and after make some house music or bring the Pioneers out and mix some records at reasonable volume levels.

    Protect your ears…

  •  edric   ( @scytale@lemm.ee ) 
    48 days ago

    Not really a hobby per se, but I’ve been getting better and better with mowing my lawn and backyard. I never wanted a lawn when buying a home because I didn’t want to do yardwork but didn’t have a choice because of the options I had (SFH was the only available option for my budget, preferred location, mortgage rate, HOA dues, etc.).

    For the first 2 months I really hated yardwork and put off as much as I could before the HOA sends me a notice. And when I did mow, I did it haphazardly without any pattern and style. Over time I gradually got more annoyed whenever I saw a weed standing out or vines creeping into the sidewalk. Then I started accumulating gear, bought a weed puller and manual edger aside from my mower and trimmer. Before I knew it, I was already mowing, trimming, edging every 2 weeks and doing spot trimming every few days. I still hate it, but I now hate seeing overgrown grass and weeds more. I’ve also gotten better with my mow patterns so my yard looks a little better.

  • Been accumulating books from little free libraries but not started reading any. Brought my sourdough starter back to normal. Tried letting cinnamon rolls rise overnight. Looked into Mastodon but it doesn’t appeal to me at all.

  •  Alice   ( @Alice@beehaw.org ) 
    17 days ago

    Found a couple geocaches for the first time! Mostly sticking to micro caches until I build up a little collection of stuff to hide in the bigger ones. It’s a new hobby so I don’t know if I’ll stick with it, but it’s fun so far.