• Elissa Barr, a professor of public health at the University of North Florida and a member of the sex ed advocacy group Florida Healthy Youth Alliance, has been keeping in touch with local school officials and compiling a list of words and phrases they’ve been told to remove from their reproductive health plans.

    These words include abuse, consent, domestic violence, fluids, gender identity and LGBTQ information, she said.

    Nazi assholes sure do love burning books, don’t they?

    They also love removing any consideration of consent. That word does make it difficult for them to continue raping children.

  • Abstinence is easy when you’re a vile sack of hate like you, Ron. Teens however consist of two thirds of hormones and some emotions they don’t understand (neither do I to be honest). They’ll find out the anatomy part by themselves over time.

  •  Baggins   ( @baggins@beehaw.org ) 
    716 hours ago

    That’s it, just ignore it, it’ll go away.

    The more people that vote for idiots like this, the more I’m convinced that some sort of test should be done before you vote.

        • Right and how do you ensure people are educated in a way that works for the entire population in a system like it exists currently? Who controls access to accurate information and equal opportunities to learn?

          Unless you personally are going to start lobbying, funding public education that isn’t biased, help lift folks out of poverty, etc etc then sadly this kind of ‘plan’ is doomed to fail from the start.

          I get the despair and desire to cling to ideas like this, but the system is stacked against your ideas and the people who need help the most in order to fully understand and interact with a system like this.

          In order to achieve the best outcome all these systems need to be done away with, and in order to do that you need to build dual power, subvert existing power structures and stop seeing anybody but fascists and those in power as the enemy.

          Most people are just struggling to get by day to day and your energy and anger would be better put into helping them directly or in groups who hold true love and care in their hearts and actions than preventing them from voting or saying they need to be ‘educated’ without explaining how or what that means.