I am not the author.

  •  Findmysec   ( @Findmysec@infosec.pub ) 
    9 hours ago

    I’ve heard of s6 and runit alongside OpenRC as alternatives. I believe distros should make the init system agnostic of the rest of the software and not force users to stick with what they force them to do. Systemd is really slow.

    What infuriates me more than distros playing the heavy hand in adopting it, are applications depending on it (I’M LOOKING AT YOU GNOME). This is completely unacceptable. If I find an application that doesn’t work without systemd, I either compile it to see if it will work otherwise or give up on it.

    Maybe my view of systemd will change if I delete all of the other binaries and just use the init module. Who the fuck decided to put a fucking log in manager with the init system??? This is the feature bloat that I’m talking about and I hate it

  •  Justin   ( @jlh@lemmy.jlh.name ) 
    14 hours ago

    Systemd is mandatory on desktop linux, as it’s required for gnome, kde, encrypted home directories, sandboxing, etc. If someone has made an init system with cgroups that genuinely improves on systemd let me know, because I haven’t heard of one.

    On servers, init systems are already obsolete, as the majority of servers now use Kubernetes for service orchestration instead of systemd.

    If someone is complaining about the other daemons in the systemd project like resolved, timesyncd, etc, they are not monolithic, and nobody is forcing you to use them.

    • wow a lot to unpack here…

      1. things being tightly coupled to a single init is not good, it’s an absolute tragedy. projects that tightly couple to a single init are abandoning non-linux Unix operating systems
      2. and who do you think runs and monitors kubernetes? oh that’s right: systemd or another alternative. low level task schedulers cannot be rendered obsolete, not unless you’re handing off responsibility entirely to another entity, but if you should do this, you still need to be aware that you are paying that entity to manage the task scheduler for you. it didn’t become irrelevant. you just shifted the shared responsibility model
      • I’m not sure why GNOME, the EU, etc should spend money on supporting Desktop BSD when that money could be better used building features to dethrone Windows.

        Again, if another init had features that were better than systemd, then they’re welcome to step up. Sometimes software just becomes natural monopolies, not too many people complain that linux distros don’t support WolfSSH, or musl C. Nobody complained that sysvinit was a monopoly in 2010.

        Of course, even kubernetes servers still run init, but their importance has greatly diminished, including the arguments about what features are needed and the best way to write service definitions. Most of the tasks are now handled by newer cloud-native service orchestrators.

        My kubernetes nodes have 17 processes that are not managed by Kubernetes. 5 of them are systemd or systemd-project daemons (journald, oomd, udevd, and logind). 3 are dbus related daemons, 2 are prometheus metrics exporters, and then sshd, agetty, nsncd, chronyd, polkitd, and fwupd. Finally, there’s k3s, which starts and runs all my containerd processes for Kubernetes. On these systems, Kubernetes is managing 500 or more processes that systemd has nothing to do with.

        I don’t actually interact with systemd at all on my servers, aside from scraping journald for system logs, seeing if services are down, and occasionally restarting services in a broken state. All the service definitions were included by NixOS.

        I use systemd because I like all the features that NixOS and Gnome have, I couldn’t care less if they replaced it with whatever, as long as it stays out of my way.

  • Honestly, it’s 2024, and as a result, this post gives me a bit of a chuckle. For most purposes, systemd has won, and honestly, I hardly even notice. (Granted, I have only used Linux during the systemd era.) If systemd actually interferes with one’s needs on a technological (not just a vague philosophical) level, little stops them from seeking out a way to use another init system.

    Has it gotten more difficult to use other init systems these days? Yes. However, by the time a person has a problem where systemd can’t do the job and have to use a different init system, they’re probably more than competent enough to create custom services. I also feel like in terms of software support, only the most idiotic, worthless projects have no possible way to port hem to another init system.

  • SystemD has been such a frustration the last couple years with the wonderful simplicity and stability it used to provide managing a system completely out the door as its main development company (RedHat) has stopped giving any kind of a shit about being a positive force in the world. We all shoulda listened 10 years ago when the greybeards were telling us not to fall for an init system trying to do too much.

  • at least this guy recognizes systemd isn’t (just) an init system

    “it attempts to do more” yeah. that’s the point. that’s a good thing. a single source of truth for system background services. background systems used to be a fucking mess and then systemd fixed it. this is why it is the de facto pid 1

    i wish people just quit whining

  • The reason why systemd has become so prevalent is not that it has been accepted by the community. It’s that it has manpower. It is backed up by open source software companies that can provide much more manpower than developers like myself working on free software on their own time.


      • Then maybe you can tell me what “attempting to do more” means, because the author of the article certainly didn’t. Or why that’s bad. My only take away is that the author thinks the system should facilitate the running of applications and just get out of their way already. But that sounds a lot like building a road network and then failing to install traffic controls because the DOT should just stay out of the way of traffic.

      •  Shdwdrgn   ( @Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz ) 
        1 day ago

        From my own experience it was more about being a solution in search of a problem. I see some comments about how the old init system was so horribly broken, and yet the reality was it worked perfectly fine for all but some very niche situations. The only advantage I have ever seen with systemd is that it’s very good at multitasking the startup/shutdown processes, but that certainly wasn’t the case when it first arrived. For example I had a raspberry pi that booted in 15 seconds, and when I loaded a new image with systemd it took close to two minutes to boot. And there were quite a lot of problems like that, which is why people were so aggravated when distro admins asked the community for their thoughts on switching to systemd and then changed the distros anyway. This also touches on the perception that the “community” accepted it and moved on – no, systemd was pushed on the community despite numerous problems and critical feedback.

        But we’re here now, systemd has improved, and we can only hope that some day all the broken bits get fixed. Personally I’m still annoyed that it took me almost a week to get static IPs set up on all the NICs for a new firewall because despite the whole “predictable names” thing they still kept moving around depending on if I did a soft or hard reset. Configuring the cards under udev took less than a minute and worked consistently but someone decided it was time to break that I guess.

          • In fact, the situation has gotten much worse. The coupling of SystemD’s components to each other has gotten tighter. The coupling of things that aren’t SystemD to SystemD has gotten tighter. SystemD itself has gotten less stable. The overall result? Our operating systems require more, not less, troubleshooting, and they’re less, not more, enjoyable to use and develop on

              •  smb   ( @smb@lemmy.ml ) 
                616 hours ago

                However, systemd makes the system much more secure and reliable as it is

                less secure and less reliable day-by-day you meant? systemd introduces needless dependencies ever since as if that was it sole intention ever from its very beginning, which already were used for wide attacks, and exactly those attacks that the people working hard to remove unneeded dependencies for security reasons meant to prevent by things like “do one thing only” (but security was not the number 1 reason for this one i think), systemd instead: ‘lets add another level of that exponential dependency tree from the insecurity hell’ felt like they did this stupid thing intentionally every month for a decade or more.

                and stability… if you don’t monitor what systemd does, you’ll never know how bad it actually is. i’ve made custom scripts to monitor systemd’s failures (failing in doing a very primitive of its job) and there are hundreds (actually varying around 200 to 300 sometimes more) of such per day on all our systems for one particular(!) measurement only that was breaking service stability and i wrote a measure-and-fix+monitor workaround. other fixes were not monitored however, only silently fixed by workarounds, thus just unnumbered systemd bugs/instabilities in the dark that stole a lot of work capacity…

                if you run distros with systemd, unreliability is your daily experience unless you don’t really care or have never experienced stability before - like running a service (a single process) for 8 years without any interruption then it suddenly stops and you go like “was it maybe an attack? the process died, how could that be? were there any connects from outside at that moment?” not talking about not updating something that long, but “stability” itself CAN be like if you dont stop it, it’ll still run in 10000+ years maybe millions, more likely that humans extincted themselves way earlier than of a process “just dying” by a bug… while systemd even randomly stops things that were running well for no reason (varying) once a month more or less (also varying in what it actually randomly stops, sometimes (2 times) it even stopped ssh on my servers, me asking myself if i should create yet another workaround for systemds buggyness to not locking me out again from network or ratjer go for the real solution for most* of all systemd problems - *see below) on the few standard installs i personally have as i didn’t have the way to automatically replace provider installed distro on VMs in the DC. i want this replacing automatically for the same reason why i don’t like systemd, it causes manual work for a thing that should go automated. however due to systemd’s perpetuated instability i now managed to have this way, and every second working on getting rid of systemd is worth it 100k times. this however does not solve all systemd-introduced problems as the xz attack showed (a systemd-dependency on xz made the infected xz library beeing useful-for-the-atracker during compiletime of sshd binary with which then the attacker could infect the newly built sshd binary),one could still be attacked through systemd’s dependency hell even if one does not use systemd by oneself, but the build machines used for your distro could be affected/infected by systemd’s needless dependencies when “also” compiling for systemd-affected distributions thus there is the risk of becoming a victim of needless-systemd-dependencies while not using systemd at all. however the attack through systemd dependency (and that the public solution was not the removal of needless dependencies only included as source for superflous third party “needs”) made clear that systemd is an overall problem for security that will not be solved quickly but stay just like all windows insecurities will stay as long as they whish to push them to their “users”.

                systemd reducing overall security and its unreliability combined with some builtin impediments (i.e. when debugging its defects) is what drove me away from systemd. there are solutions way more stable and way more secure (and way better documented btw) that do not call in for needless dependencies, reducing risks, attack vectors and increases overall debuggability i.e. by deterministic behaviour as an easy example. and none of its important (to me) promises have been fulfilled yet by systemd, drop-in-replacement? have heared that lie thousands of times, but in the last decade i have not experienced it a single time in a distro and it does not seem to be included/finished any more.

                for windows users or windows admins a linux with systemd on it IS an improvement in stability, security and of course for updating, yes. but all of that does not come from systemd, rather the opposite is the case, systemd reduces it month by month, thats my experience and thats the most important experience for me, idc what lies whitdepapers tell or what broken promises are believed by anyone or the masses, i want secure and stable servers and services and systemd does not fit in for any of these goals and the time it was still “young” and early problems could be accepted in the hope they get fixed soon are gone, but without those fixes having ever appeared.

                •  The Cuuuuube   ( @Cube6392@beehaw.org ) 
                  11 hours ago

                  this is everything i see monitoring Linux boxes everyday. we’ve shifted mostly to OpenRC about it. i can’t imagine defending SystemD if you have experienced anything other than it and SysInitV. yeah compared to SysInitV, it’s really nice, but to say it’s good and stable? that’s like praising your landlord for all the work they do and the reason they haven’t fixed your broken dishwasher is because they’re so busy from what a good landlord they are

      • Yeah, was more poking fun of people who cling to the while Unix Philosophy stuff like it’s some unwritten rule that must be followed.

        I honestly think there’s tons of Linux software that could be broadly defined as “multiple things”.

        Even looking at the links other responders have posted, I even think a lot of linux software is made up of components which are tightly coupled together.

    •  mub   ( @mub@lemmy.ml ) 
      221 hours ago

      Me too. I enjoy the @myservername thing as it lets me have one file to maintain lots of servers (Minecraft in my case). I’m sure someone will say other init systems can do the same, but I learnt this one and I like it.

  • Maybe some day after we’re done replacing X11 people will collectively find the will to do something about systemd before it gets too much worse. I wonder which will be easier: Throw it all out and start again, or split it up into parts of more manageable size with well-defined interfaces between them.

  • I’m pretty sure everyone has settled by now, Personally I hate systemd. It’s slow, relatively resource intensive, poorly designed in many aspects.

    but as an init and service manager it’s the best. Though I do have to say dinit does get pretty close for me now.

    I personally use Arch on my desktop and artix on my laptop. I want Systemd to die just as much as the next Systemd hater, but unfortunately I don’t believe we have anything better yet.